UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Medicine UNAIR held community service activities (pengmas) in some areas in East Java. The coverage of this community service is quite extensive. It was started in Surabaya and continued to Sidoarjo, Bojonegoro, Ponorogo to Jember.
The coordinator of FK UNAIR community service, Sulis Bayu Sentono, dr., SpOT revealed that this event was to commemorate the 63rd Dies Natalis Universitas Airlangga held in November 2017.
According to him, FK UNAIR has the potential to organize a large-scale management activities as it has 29 departments of medical science and a lot of collaboration with network hospitals spread across 22 regencies in East Java.
“The FK UNAIR’s community management team has performed well through the community services held in November-December 2017. Because the preparation was limited and not all departments have been involved, we have only visited a few places, we have at least reached some areas,” he said.
In Surabaya, workshops and seminars were held by the team of Opthalmology Department of FK UNAIR-Dr. Soetomo to commemorate World Eye Day.
Next, FK UNAIR team of Pulmonology, Orthopedics, Plastic Surgery and Medical Rehabilitation Departments of FK UNAIR-RSUD Dr. Soetomo in collaboration with RSUD Sidoarjo, Sidoarjo Regency Health Office and Puskesmas Sidoarjo held seminar on emergency to educate dozens of doctors.
Sulis assessed that, Sidoarjo has big potential to become part of alliance of representative collaboration of primary education and hospital of education network of FK UNAIR-RSUD Dr. Soetomo. As the main teaching hospital of FK UNAIR, RSUD Dr. Soetomo plans to establish a giant referral network system called the Academic Health System (AHS).
“As planned, AHS will accommodate the service referral system, research references, referrals of community activities, educational referrals to become a large and comprehensive system,” he said.
After from Sidoarjo, the community service continued to Bojonegoro. It was held in November 2017.
In the event, Dean of FK UNAIR Prof. Soetojo, dr., Sp.U (K)., was accompanied by dozens of medical specialist program students (PPDS) and Urologiy Department’s medical staff on Saturday, November 25 and visited Mojo Deso Village, Kapas Subdistrict, Bojonegoro.
FK UNAIR in collaboration with Puskesmas Mojo Deso and Bojonegoro Health Office held a community service in a form of free mass circumcision and treatment for local residents. In addition, the FK UNAIR team from the Department of Andrology also held reproduction health counseling for men. Residents looked so enthusiastic in following the counseling event.
Furthermore, emergency training activities for ordinary people taking place in Ponorogo. Team of doctor and student of PPDS Department of Anesthesiology & Reanimation of RSUD Dr. Soetomo-FK UNAIR also held a training event to educate the public regarding emergency measures.
Jember was the next venue of this event. The community service was held on November 25, 2017. The Committee of FK UNAIR from Department of Surgery, Orthopedics, Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery in cooperation with RSUD Dr. Subandi Jember held seminars and workshops of emergency department in daily practice for general practitioners there.
In the seminar, participants were taught how to anticipate a number of general emergency cases such as trauma, fracture, dislocation and multitrauma. There were also demonstration sessions, where the coaching team demonstrates how to deal with injuries and other injuries.
Other community service was also organized by Division of Neonatology of the Department of Pediatrics RSUD Dr.Soetomo-FK UNAIR. The Division hosts Newborn Resuscitation Training and Congenital Hipothyroid Screening, inviting dozens of medical personnel and midwives from various health centers and hospitals in Surabaya. The event was held at Airlangga Medical Education Center (AMEC) FK UNAIR.
After organizing a Newborn Resuscitation Training and Congenital Hipothyroid Screening, the Neonatology Division of Children’s Health Department RSUD Dr.Soetomo-FK UNAIR in collaboration with University Medical Center Groningen the Netherlands (UMCG) for Indonesian Pediatricians Association (IDAI) launched an application called Yellow Babies. It is a paperless electronic register to simplify data collection of cases of hyperbilirubinemia that are handled in the hospital.
In addition, there was also a visiting professor event for Prof. Arend Frederick Bos, MD., PhD, from Beatrix Children’s Hospital University Medical Center Groningen the Netherlands (UMCG), in the Hall of FK UNAIR.
Meanwhile, the team from Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Dr. Soetomo-FK UNAIR also held a dissemination on the importance of papsmear examination. They held free Pap Smear examination for employees and staff of RSUD Dr. Soetomo Hospital -FK UNAIR. This activity took place in Family Planning Clinic Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya.
From these events conducted, Sulis hoped this community service to be the first step to empower and optimize the relationship between the main education hospital with other network hospitals.
“So far, FK UNAIR has never held activities so close to other network hospitals. We hope that with this event will establish communication, strengthen ties between network hospitals, so AHS referral system is developed, communication has been built well, “he said.
Author: Sefya Hayu Istighfaricha
Editor: Nuri Hermawan