UNAIR NEWS- As one of the universities that pay attention to women’s issues, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has a Gender and Social Inclusion Study Center (PSGIS). Not only focusing on Gender, but the study center established in 1990 also focuses on other social issues.
PSGIS history
As one of the founding members, Prof. Dr. Emy Susanti, Dra., M.A. revealed that PSGIS was named Women Study Center (PSW) in the beginning. The establishment of PSW started when the ministry in charge of women’s empowerment sent eight university academics, including Prof. Emy, to learn about gender issues and women empowerment in the Netherlands.
“After that, there was a meeting between the ministry and rector, which decided that every university must establish its own PSW. So, PSGIS UNAIR is one of the oldest women study centers in Indonesia,” explained Prof. Emy
In 2000, PSW changed its name to UNAIR Gender Study Center. Until now, this study center is still active as PSGIS.
“The scope of PSGIS is wider, not only about male and female but gender issues cannot be separated from other social issues such as the elderly, children, slums, and other issues,” explained Prof Emy, a professor of Gender Sociology.
Focus on Higher Education’s Tridharma
Regarding its works, PSGIS has run many programs based on higher education’s tridharma. In the educational field, Prof Emy stated that PSGIS has become a place for experts from faculties with courses on Gender. In the future, she hoped that PSGIS could be involved in providing insights on Gender issues to students who are going to do their community service program. Furthermore, Prof Emy also hopes that all faculty in UNAIR can put gender issues in one of their courses.
“It does not have to be an independent course, but it can be integrated into other existing courses,” said Prof Emy.
Related to the research field, Prof. Emy, the chairwoman of ASWGI, said that they are trying to intensify research based on gender perspectives in UNAIR. To improve the effort, Prof Emy stated that their part has set up a research clinic and assistance in writing research proposals.
“We are also active in providing training in collaboration with various communities, NGO, Early Education(PAUD) teachers, and other parties,” added Prof Emy.
Internationalization Development
When asked about their development plan, Prof Emy stated that they want to improve their cooperation with various international organizations. One of the collaborations that are being prepared now is joint research.
“By conducting a collaborative research, hopefully, UNAIR can gain more reputation abroad, and the collaboration can support UNAIR’s WCU ranking improvement,” concluded Prof Emy.
Author: Nikmatus Sholikhah
Editor: Feri Fenoria (AC/AP)