
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Halalbihalal, Situated Visits in One Special Occasion

UNAIR NEWS – Even though the holiday has ended, the spirit to forgive each other is always there. It is normal that halalbihalal has been a tradition which takes root and carries on over generations. It has even been uniqueness of Indonesians. As a tradition, halalbihalal has given various meanings to each muslim, such as to Puji Karyanto, M.Hum. The Vice Dean I of Faculty of Humanities UNAIR explained the uniqueness of the tradition from cultural context.

For him, halalbihalal is one positive value of preserved tradition. “Actually, halalbihalal is a tradition from villages which is called unjung-unjung during Eid-ul-Fitr holiday. So when the society was still traditional, it was still possible to do,” he said in his office room.

“But now, when the society becomes modern, the relatives or acquaintances to visit are more. So halalbihalal is the alternative concept to strengthen ties as well as to forgive each other after the fasting month,” he added.

Nevertheless, the advisor of Mata Angin club (UKM) also said that when halalbihalal is often done, it does not mean that unjung-unjung tradition be less important. “It is an important activity, especially for traditional community. Therefore, exodus is also another tradition each year,” he said.

The lecturer of Indonesian Literature UNAIR who is often trusted as language experts, said that halalbihalal is a process that makes people meet and forgive each other. Halalbihalal for him can be an activity to start a new life with a new spirit in the future.

“Fasting is identical with suppression. So hopefully after fasting people will have new spirits with the activity held,” he said. (*)

Author : Nuri Hermawan
Editor : Dilan Salsabila