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Impact of Pasca Covid-19 on Real Sector: the Study, Expectations and Determination of Policy Directions for SDG’s and Ziswaf

The Covid-19 pandemic changed the face of the world in a very short time, in just a matter of months this pandemic managed to change the face, order, and new culture around the world. Some of the characteristics that indicate that a person has been exposed to COVID-19 according to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia are based on the guidelines made by WHO. A person who has been exposed and tested positive for COVID-19 will experience several symptoms, such as fever, experiencing respiratory tract disorders, besides being positive for COVID19 found in people who travel abroad, as well as someone who has direct contact with positive patients. covid-19 In determining the positive for Covid- 19, there are several terms, including PDP (patient under monitoring) is someone who has carried out an examination and the results are positive. While the positive confirmation of COVID-19 itself is based on the results of laboratory tests.

Asymptomatic people (OTG) are defined as the possibility of someone contracting COVID-19 without showing any symptoms of COVID-19 in his body. And the last one is ODP (people under monitoring), namely people who do not show symptoms but the person has traveled abroad or to red zone areas. Some of the precautions that can be taken to inhibit or stop the spread of covid-19 are using vaccines that can increase immunity and prevent transmission of covid-19, make efforts to detect COVID-19 and isolate them, apply a clean and healthy lifestyle by implementing good health care. hygiene, hand washing and disinfection. Using PPE for medical officers when handling positive patients and using N95 masks, using masks outside the home for the community and preparing body resistance. Apart from these things, the spread of COVID-19 can also be inhibited by holding funerals for Covid-19 victims using health protocols.

The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on all aspects of human life, both for the life of each individual and social life in society. The various impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic include religious matters where all religious people cannot worship together, in the world of health many people have been affected by this pandemic and it is a challenge for medical officers to treat patients infected with the virus and other challenges. to find solutions in the form of drugs or vaccines that are used to stop the spread of this pandemic, besides that in terms of food security which if people’s activities are continuously stopped it will cause food supplies or basic needs of the community to be unfulfilled due to the cessation of production so that the number poverty will increase sharply. Another impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has also affected political activity and national resilience. One of the government policies in inhibiting the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic is to implement LargeScale Social Restrictions (PSBB), regional quarantine, social distancing, physical distancing which makes people have to work from home or work from home which results in not maximal food production for meet public food needs. This is one of the factors that the government does not lock down in various regions in Indonesia. In terms of social society, it has clearly changed from before where the implementation of physical distancing and social distancing has an impact on changing people’s behavior. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted political conditions and the resilience of the country and the economy where in the economic field the COVID-19 pandemic affects economic growth, and there are shadows that Indonesia’s economic growth will reach a negative point in the third quarter of this year.

From the discussion above, there are two important things that can be concluded, namely, first, alternative solutions in maintaining the resilience of the real sector in the midst of a pandemic, both the government, the community and all elements have implemented a number of policies by following healthprotocols and policies to stop the spread of COVID-19. The government has relocated the budget to be used in handling COVID19, both for aspects of health, economic recovery, and social security. In general, the current government’s main priority is to give full support to the health sector, strengthen social security networks, and save the business sector. Second, the strategy for formulating policies in order to maintain microeconomic stability and minimize the occurrence of economic recession can be seen from the priority scale that should take precedence in producing policies. Security in the health sector and further strengthen social safety nets to help the economy.

Artiel selengkapnya dapat dilihat melalui link: http://ejournal.staialazhar.ac.id/index.php/ajie/article/view/289

Penulis: Dr. Wisudanto, S.E., M.M, CFP, ASPM.; Dr. Prawitra Thalib, S.H., M.H., ACIArb.; Mochammad Shamsul Arif; Mohamad Nur Kholiq, S.H., M.Si.