UNAIR NEWS – For the special coverage of Head of Student Executive Board (BEM), UNAIR NEWS successfully interviewed Taufan Adi, Faculty of Law student who was just inaugurated as Head of BEM on March 7.
Not much different from the previous head of BEM, the sixth semester student who is familiarly addressed as Taufan also said that his participation in the organization brings many benefits for him. Being active in the organization, relation and soft skills are also honed well. Moreover, by following the organization, the implementation of tri dharma of higher education is even better.
Since attending college, Taufan has been actively participating in various organizations such as Moot Court Community (KPS), Asian Law Student Association (ALSA), Nature Lovers Signs of Honor (PATAKA), and the last is Student Executive Board. Before becoming Head of BEM FH, Taufan was the staff of the Ministry of Student Resources Development (PSDM).
“In my opinion, to fulfill the tri dharma of higher education, we must be total. Here, I want to serve for the big family of FH. Therefore, this service must be done sincerely. The matter of being busy or not depends on the point of view, “he said.
Asked about the importance of the organization, Taufan said that the organization can shape the character of a person to be much better in all aspects. Then, the evaluation in organization makes students learn from the weakness and mistakes. Until the most important, according to him, the organization can play a direct role in realizing goals.
Although undergoing fairly busy routines and managing the time between lectures and organizations. Taufan admitted that he was fine because he always spends time and things by looking at the priority scale.
“There is always difficulty. We must be smart to organize and set priorities, both in terms of academic and organization. Managing time can be done well by seeting schedules and others. However, we must know which to do first, “said 2015 student.
Author: Pradita Desyanti
Editor: Nuri Hermawan