Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Media and Communications Master Program Releases Scientific Article Collections

UNAIR NEWS – Media and Communications Master Program has released two popular scientific article collections. There were two books, Komunikasi Profesional (Professional Communications) and Media & Politik (Media&Politics).

No less than 59 authors contributed for those two collection books. They were from the scholars, postgraduate students, media and communications observers and practitioners and so on. They were from various universities, public or private universities, in Java or even in other islands.

Their thoughts elaborated in the articles were accountable scientifically because they were based on academic standards of writing.  “We packaged them with popular structures and styles so anyone can enjoy them. We made the language as simple as we could for easier comprehension,” the representative of editorial team, Rizma Dewi S. Kom., M. Med.Kom. said during interview on Tuesday, January 26.

The editorial team is currently in the process of distributing books to the authors. Some of them were given to some scholars and campus. Some were sold to public.

Hopefully, these articles can reinforce Indonesian book treasury especially on Media, Communications and Political Rhetoric. Thus, the insights and perspectives on that field will be expanded and colorful. (*)

Author: Rio F. Rachman