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Nurse and Client Interaction: A Phenomenological Study of The Meaning of Life Experiences of HIV-AIDS Patients That Get At Minimum Attention by Nurses

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HIV-AIDS sufferers face complex problems. characterized by a progressive decline of the immune system, having a serious impact on their well-being and their entire life. While other diseases such as pulmonary TB are still willing to reveal themselves in public, people with HIV-AIDS are very protective about disclosing this. Not only physical problems, but also psychological and social problems, and this should be a target in providing nursing care

However, the complexity experienced by people living with HIV-AIDS is not matched by clinical practice because it fails to adequately respond to their demands, thus affecting their overall well-being, and meanwhile, attention to physical problems is a serious concern without considering the concerns of the problems psychosocial problems and traumatic experiences when people with HIV-AIDS interact in society because nursing actions for people with HIV-AIDS related to pharmacological management and self-care dominate

The severity experienced by people living with HIV-AIDS is not matched by clinical practice because it fails to respond adequately to their demands, thus affecting their overall well-being. The discrepancy between the expectations and reality experienced by this patient, as well as the worsening condition due to the disease emerged as a very painful experience. Meanwhile, the dominance of optimizing the anticipation of loss to follow-up, and strengthening self-care, has eliminated problems from other psychosocial aspects, so that it can change the health care system which includes bio, psycho, social, cultural and spiritual.

This study uses a qualitative study design with an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with HIV-AIDS patients. A total of 20 HIV-AIDS sufferers were involved in this study until data saturation was reached. The researcher added to digging for 1 more informant to ensure that no new information was obtained. This study found that there were life experiences that had not been revealed by nurses, including unusual habits, forcing them to accept their situation and suppressing their will, wanting to be recognized like other people in general, social stigma and self-stigmatization affecting their immediate environment, easy despair and lack of enthusiasm for life expectancy, and always imagine the shadow whenever death picks up. The results of this study can be used by nurses as an important problem for people with HIV-AIDS that must be considered, not only monitoring lost to follow-up, but also paying attention to psychological and social interactions, and this is the key to providing nursing care that provides holistic services. , both bio, psycho, social, cultural, and spiritual

Author’s: Dr. Abd.Nasir, S.Kep.Ns., M.Kep          

Detailed information from this research can be seen in our writing on:

doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0282049

Abd Nasir, Ah Yusuf, Makhfudli, Susilo Harianto, Fanni Okviasanti, Yanis Kartini (2023). Living experiences of people living with HIVAIDS from the client’s perspective in nurseclient interaction in Indonesia: A qualitative study. Plos One 18(2): e0282049.Received: July 29, 2022 Accepted: February 6, 2023 Published: February 22, 2023

