UNAIR NEWS – Jember Regency Regent, dr. Hj. Faida MMR received 190 students at Thematic Community Learning (KKN-BBM) at Universitas Airlangga at Pendapa Wahyawibhawagraha, Jember on Tuesday, June 2. A total of 190 students will be deployed to serve the community in three sub-districts and 19 villages, Jember Regency. The three sub-districts are Rambipuji, Bangsalsari, and Tanggul.
Faida, an alumna of Faculty of Medicine UNAIR said students must be able to face current problems in Jember Regency. For example, simple information such as managing BPJS, arranging birth certificates, correcting data on the wrong KTP and KK, making electronic mail (e-mail) for entrepreneurial purposes, and other simple things.
“When you are in the community, they only care about community service benefits to the community, ” said Faida
On that occasion, she welcomed UNAIR students for Community Service in Jember. The hope is students can help with government tasks and solve various problems that exist in society.
In her remarks, Faida also showed the geographical conditions of Jember Regency as well as the potential area, both in economic, cultural and tourism potential. Not to forget, she also introduced one of cultural performances of Jember Regency that has been known in an international scale, Jember Fashion Carnaval or JFC.
Meanwhile, Vice Dean I Faculty of Nursing UNAIR Dr. Kusnanto, S.Kp., M.Kes. said the basic principle of Community Service Program is prioritizing neglected communities. Besides, while undergoing KKN in Jember Regency, students can help provide a solution to problems that exist in community, learn from each other, and also respect each other’s differences.

Besides, students will evaluate the performance of Community Service Program that has been carried out previously, which was held in 2018.
In three sub-districts, 190 KKN students will be accompanied by ten lecturers who guide village development (DP2D). They came from various fields, ranging from health, midwifery, medicine, dentistry, technology science, veterinary medicine, and other various faculties in UNAIR.

These KKN students in Jember are some of UNAIR KKN students who were deployed in the community. Overall, there were 1,350 students spread across several cities, including Surabaya, Gresik Regency, Lamongan Regency, Banyuwangi Regency, and Tuban Regency.
Besides, 829 students attended KKN Back To Village. Starting from East Java, Central Java, West Java, South Kalimantan, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, Bangka Belitung, and Bali.
There were also seven other KKN schemes, Cheerful Community Service, KKN Overseas, KKN Election, KKN IPN, KKN Nationality, KKN Citarum, and KKN PPM Dikti. (*)
Author: Binti Q. Masruroh