UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga has just held an inauguration for new students of doctoral, master’s, specialist and professional programs in 2019/2020 academic year. Being held at Garuda Mukti Hall Campus C on Thursday, January 23, 2020, was presided by UNAIR Rector, leaderships, and professors in UNAIR.
In presence of 657 new students, Prof. Nasih presented UNAIR achievements in his remarks, such as being among Top 650 world’s best universities. With these proud achievements, Prof. Nasih ensured all new students not to worry about the quality of education and academic climate at UNAIR. For him, in conducting studies at UNAIR, new students are expected to be able to use and explore the existing potential as well as possible.
“So it all depends on each one of you in exploring, developing the skills and potential you have at UNAIR,” he said.

Furthermore, Prof. Nasih encouraged new students to be able to produce research that can solve various national problems in the future. According to him, one of the important points of the study process carried out at UNAIR is to produce a research that can be a breakthrough in solving problems in the community.
“For this reason, research is not a matter of the thickness of the research results, but the problems presented can contribute ideas to solve complex problems around us. Because the final assignment is the essence of the learning process while you study at UNAIR, “he said.
Before closing the remarks, Prof. Nasih also emphasized that being UNAIR student must have the ability to understand cross-disciplinary capability. For him, having the ability to cross discipline, the graduates will be easier to solve the nation’s problem in the future.
“One more thing, members of UNAIR community must have cross-disciplinary capability and intelligence. Do not only be good at one area, “said Prof. Nasih.
To provide and improve intelligence outside the field, added Prof. Nasih, UNAIR will provide access and facilities for students to study across the disciplines. In the future, exact science students can learn about social science, and vice versa.
“So legal people are expected to know about economics, sociology, anthropology, and so on,” he explained. “Academics should not be ‘wearing horse goggles’. We must understand and explore best potential and knowledge that we have,” he concluded.
Author: Nuri Hermawan