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RSUD Dr. Soetomo holds Corona virus dissemination to medical personnel in East Java

Dissemination to deal with corona virus infection in the Diagnostic Center Building, 7th Floor, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital on Sunday, February 2, 2020. (Photo: Dimar Herfano)
Dissemination to deal with corona virus infection in the Diagnostic Center Building, 7th Floor, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital on Sunday, February 2, 2020. (Photo: Dimar Herfano)

UNAIR NEWS – After infecting 20 countries in various continents, the novel corona has been officially designated by World Health Organization (WHO) as the Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) or a global emergency situation. Although until now Indonesia has not found a single corona positive patient, but health workers and the Ministry of Health do not want to remain silent.

Association of Indonesian Lung Doctors (PDPI), leadership of Dr. Soetomo Hospital, and UNAIR Faculty of Medicine academics held a preparedness dissemination for all hospitals and lung specialists in East Java on Sunday, February 2, 2020. Being held at the Diagnostic Center Building, 7th Floor, Dr. Soetomo Regional General Hospital, Dr. Joni Wahyuhadi dr., Sp.BS (K) as Director of Dr. Soetomo conveyed an outline in handling corona virus.

“A few days ago we met with the Ministry of Health. We devised an algorithm that can be used in handling viruses. For Dr. Soetomo hospital itself, we had a team, facilities, isolation room, and a system. Following this dissemination, we will develop a discussion app so medical staff throughout East Java can communicate intensively on suspect cases that might occur, “he said.

Coronavirus or 2019-nCoV (Wuhan CoV) itself is a new type of virus whose characteristics and vaccines are not yet known. In the first presentation Dr. Resti Yudhawati, dr., Sp.P (K), a pulmonologist and respiratory expert from Faculty of Medicine, UNAIR explained the general description of the virus originating from Wuhan.

“The corona virus has basically been known for a long time. However, so far this virus has only caused common cold from the consumption of animals such as bats. Until a mysterious pneumonia case arises that affects people closely related to Huanan Seafood Market, China, ” she said.

Dr. Resti explained that this virus became dangerous because it had undergone recombination and mutation from its animal carrier, bats which became a market commodity in Huanan. “Corona’s fatality level is not as severe as MERS and SARS. However, this virus still has the potential to increase fatality if the virus undergoes recombination and mutation, “said Dr. Resti

Detection and Management

Dr. Soedarsono, dr., Sp.P (K) revealed that the same perception is needed from all medical personnel for the proper and fast handling of the corona virus. WHO recommends that each country implement four steps to control outbreaks, early detection, isolation, case handling, and contact tracing.

“Clinical manifestations of corona virus are sometimes non-specific, such as fever, coughing, muscle aches, sore throat, malaise, and headaches. But, the symptoms then refer to pneumonia, ARDS, sepsis, and septic shock ” he said.

Early detection itself basically only on two points, namely symptoms of acute respiratory infections and symptoms of pneumonia. However, in elderly patients sometimes do not show typical symptoms, unless it has shown signs of pneumonia.

Dr. Soedarsono also encouraged medical staff to be able to classify accurately every corona virus suspect. Will they be observed or monitored later? “We should not exaggerate and panic. If the patient does not show significant signs, do not immediately be referred to central hospital. There are monitoring, observation and risk communication mechanisms that can be carried out by each referral hospital, “he said.

Meanwhile, in the last session, Winariani Koesoemoprodjo, dr., Sp.P (K), MARS, FCCP reminded the importance of cleanliness for the prevention and control of corona virus. Prevention includes cough ethics, mask use, hand washing, to hospital waste management which must be systematic and following the procedures. “The world does not yet have the vaccine, so the best thing that can be done by all parties is to avoid things that allow infection,” she said. (*)

Author: Intang Arifia

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i