
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

A Step Towards “GREAT VET” at Taman Safari Indonesia II

UNAIR NEWS – In order to improve the skills of students of Veterinary MEdicine Study Program, Off Main Campus Study Program (PSDKU), Universitas Airlangga  in Banyuwangi, Veterinary Student Association (HMKH) PSDKU 2018 held an educational visit activity at Taman Safari Indonesia II, Prigen East Java.

The activity was a work program of Human Resource Development Division (PSDM) of HMKH PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi. The theme was “Upgrading to be a Future Veterinarian” and held at the end of April from 8.30 am to 5 pm.

“Taman Safari Indonesia II, Prigen is one of the safari parks that own and develop the conservation of animals, especially elephants. In addition, it also offers various educational packages which are used for learning media of veterinary students who focus on elephants. Elephants are one of the endangered animals. Therefore it is important to do the conservation of elephants, “said Rida Dwi Jayanti as head of the committee.

Participants were students of Veterinary Medicine PSDKU in Banyuwangi Class 2015, 2016, until 2017. In that activity, the material delivered directly by the veterinarians at Taman Safari Indonesia II.

“The veterinarians at the safari park introduced us on how to calculate Body Condition Scoring using manual or digital method, physical examination of elephant, elephant cement education, and elephant blood extraction,” said Rida.

Furthermore, Rida also said that the “Great Vet” activity was aimed to develop human resources through educational visit and also aimed to know how to become a veterinarian at the safari park, especially conservation veterinarian who handles the Sumatran Elephant.

“Through this great vet event, all veterinary students were expected to be capable technically and theoretically in working as conservation veterinarian,” he added.

Febriana Hawa, one of the participants of the “Great Vet” educational visit said that this activity was very useful and she could get a lot of knowledge around observing animals in a fun way in Taman Safari Indonesia II.

Author: Ulfiani FauziaHanafi (Veterinary Medicine Student of PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi)

Editor: Nuri Hermawan