Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Three UKM Karate Athletes Wins Bronze Medal at P OMDA East Java

FROM left Farah Diba Nur.F, Sucia Nadila, Suryani Budi Hartati, Camelia Oktinalisa, and Ainur Rachma. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Student Activity Unit (UKM) Karate Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) made an achievement again at East Java Regional Student Sports Week (POMDA) 2019 by winning three bronze medals. These achievements were achieved by Sucia Nadila (FK 2018), Suryani Budi Hartati (FV 2018), and Camelia Oktinalisa (FISIP 2018).

POMDA is an event for contingent athletes competing in the upcoming 2019 National Student Sports Week (POMNAS). Thus, POMDA is a regional competition as well as a selection to find athletes as provincial representatives.

POMDA Karate Championship took place on June 24-26 at Samantha Krida Building Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Malang. A number of 19 campuses from East Java participated in this event.

According to Sucia Nadilla as one of the bronze medalists, the information of POMDA was obtained suddenly, but the preparatory exercises were carried out as much as possible. In addition, support, prayer, and cooperation between the management and members of UKM Karate also made us (athletes, ed) enthusiast and optimist during the competition.

“We (UKM Karate athletes, ed) got a different training, which is in the form of special training. We conducted Training Center (TC) five times a week and to ensure the athlete condition, “he added.

Sucia Nadila advised UNAIR students to be passionate and develop their potential because it will be useful as preparation in facing global competition to uplift UNAIR alma mater name.

“The struggle to reach victory does require a lot of support and sacrifice. If you fail, don’t give up. Keep trying and it will pay off in the end,” he said.

In addition, Head of UKM Karate UNAIR Fildza Mahira stated the three medals were an extraordinary achievement. Considering that the exercises were quite short, lack of information and the number of athletes was limited but we manage to get good results in the competition.

“A good management is preparing athletes in the competition and it has become our responsibility (UKM Karate). They only have to focus on the competition, ” she added.

The event can be a place to strengthen the relationship between athletes. For your information, UKM Karate UNAIR conducted routine exercise every Monday at 18.00-21.00 and Tuesday at 15.00-18.00 at Student Center Building Campus C in UNAIR. (*)

Author: Muhammad Wildan Suyuti

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia