
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

To Reach Top 500 World University, UNAIR Strengthens Educational System

UNAIR NEWS – In response to the latest higher education policy on Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Decree (Permenristekdikti) Number 44 in 2015 on Higher Education National Standards, Prof. Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih as Universitas Airlangga Director of Education stated that UNAIR is ready with the new regulation. She said that it has been implemented at UNAIR.

According to Prof. Nyoman, there were five changes in Permenristekdikti number 44 in 2015 from Permenristekdikti number 49 in 2014. First, the permit of short semester or in-between semester. The objectives of short or in-between semester were to facilitate students with achievements to graduate as scheduled, to improve the competence of graduates so the learning outcome can be achieved, and to suppress drop out students.

Second, an extension of master and doctoral education length. Master program can be extended from two year becomes four years, while for doctoral, from four years of study can be seven years of study. The extension was to give opportunity to students to publish their accredited journals at national or international level.

Third, the curriculum must based on student center learning meaning integrated academic and non-academic aspects. “UNAIR has already had that kind of system, such as for character building was facilitated in general compulsory subject (MKWU),” said the Director of Education of UNAIR.

Fourth, the graduates must have Diploma certificate with SKPI. At UNAIR, after implemented one unit credit semester, S1 graduates was given achievement credit unit transcript. While for S2 and S3 including the profession program do not need achievement credit unit transcript. Fifth, Prof. Nyoman said that the minimum credit semester (SKS) for S2 and S3 were 32 SKS.

In the future, according to the professor on Biochemistry from Faculty Science and Technology, education and graduates quality should be improved especially with UNAIR plan to reach Top 500 World University, standards should be raised.

“For example, at ASEAN level, UNAIR has to follow ASEAN so marks transfer can be acknowledged if there is a student exchange program,” prof. Nyoman said.

Author: Rekha Finazis
Editor: Defrina Sukma S