
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Dental and Oral Hospital Obtains Permanent Permit for Operation

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga Dental and Oral Hospital (RSGM) has officially obtained operational permit from the Ministry of Health. The permit is valid as of December 1, 2016. It was stated by Director of RSGM UNAIR Prof.  R.M. Coen Pramono Danudiningrat, drg., SU., Sp.BM (K).

The operational permit was given after his staff submitted the requirements as stated in Minister of Health Decree Number 56 in 2014 about Hospital Clarifications and Permits. Based on the regulation, RSGM UNAIR is categorized as special type hospital which provides services on one certain medical field.

“We have got our permit. Now we are preparing for KARS 2012 accreditation. After it is achieved, we will aim for teaching hospital accreditation of RSGM,” added Prof. Coen.

In completing the requirements, the management referred to the Minister of Health Decree that a a type B dental and oral hospital has to provide dental and oral special service, non-clinical supporting service, inpatient service, medical staff and other staff, equipments, observation, examine room, surgery room and recovery room.

Prof. Coen admitted that the process to get the permit was not easy. His staff had to prepare documents and also add some equipment for the hospital operation.

RSGM UNAIR used to be a dental treatment center with limited facilities. It was only able to perform small operation such as tooth extraction.

Direktur Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Universitas Airlangga. (Foto: Defrina Sukma S)
Director of Dental and Oral Hospital Universitas Airlangga. (Photo: Defrina Sukma S)

“We never thought that getting the permit would be that complicated. It was complicated because it used to be a dental treatment center. We want it to be a hospital and it is a new thing and we had to complete all documents required for the hospital operation,” he said.

Currently, RSGM UNAIR provided services from seven fields of specialists, dental conservation, oral surgery and maxillofacial, oral diseases, periodontics, dental radiology, orthodontics and pediatric dentistry.

RSGM UNAIR is also supported by various medical installation, inpatient service, outpatient treatment, radiology and pediatric inpatient treatments.

In the beginning of 2017, Director of RSGM UNAIR will make preparation for KARS accreditation. After it is achieved, they will aim for teaching dental and oral hospital accreditation. RSGM has planned for 24 hour service and collaborate with health insurance institution, such as the Healthcare and Social Security Agency (BPJS). He also expected RSGM UNAIR to be a reference dental hospital for eastern part of Indonesia.

“RSGM as a special dental and oral hospital is expected to be the reference hospital for dentists and dentistry specialists in eastern part of Indonesia as the experts are all here,” hoped the professor of Oral Surgery and Maxillofacial. (*)

Author: Defrina Sukma S
Editor : Dilan Salsabila