UNAIR NEWS – Amendment of MPR, DPR, DPRD, and DPD (UU MD3) Law have been trending recently. Not only from the political elites, even the general public were talking about it on social media. In response, UNAIR NEWS managed to meet one of the experts of Conflict Sociology Novri Susan, S. Sos., M.A., Ph.D.
Novri tried to see the issue through an approach and perspective of Political Sociology. According to him, the issue of MD3 Law amendment was closely related in the relationship between the people and the state.
“Ideally, the owner of power is the people. The power of the people is then given to the legislative members through elections, because the power is used to fight for the public interest especially the interests of constituents, “explained the person who completed his doctoral studies at Doshisha University.
When legislative does not work based on the interests of the community, he continued, they have distorted the basic principles of democracy. The representatives of the people, at certain periods, must go down to their constituents to know the aspirations of the people).
“The problem is how the communication between the community and the legislature. In urban areas, I think it is pretty good, “he said.
On MD3 Law Amendment, he considered that the it is wrong. The reason, if it refers to the substance of democracy, then it is wrong because the relationship between the community and the legislature is a mandate.
” We cannot criminalize people who give the mandate,” he said.
If it is related to the efforts of people to insult their names, continued Novri, actually there are already other laws. If they feel humiliated, there is no need to use a separate law like that.
“I think the law is another face of authoritarianism. Later, protests are considered as insulting, then reported to the police. It’s dangerous, “Novri added.
Asked about the critical efforts the community can make, he responded that there are several foundations that should be upheld.
“First, we must be ethical and able to distinguish criticism, and cynicism. Society must learn in a critical tradition. Second, to amend a law, study the law. The public should work together with civilians, academics, the press, NGOs , to discuss this law and then be brought to the Judiciary Court to amend it, “he explained.
Author: Moch. Alfarisqy
Editor: Nuri Hermawan