
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR KKN Group Creates Path in Alas Purwo

UNAIR NEWS – Community Service (KKN) team of Universitas Airlangga  in Kedungasri Village, Tegaldlimo Sub-district, Banyuwangi Regency, created path for access to Alas Purwo National Park forest area. Activities with the residents was held on Saturday, July 7.

A number of local village officials and communities were present and helped the students. There were babinsa officers, village chief and head of the hamlet (Kasun) of Pondokasem and Persen. There was also trail motocross community. It was begun with a briefing with Kedungasri village chief at the residence of Pondokasem official and the activity was started at 08.00.

“This year is the first year of Kedungasri Village, Tegaldlimo Subdistrict, Banyuwangi Regency, to be one of the destinations of KKN activities from Universitas Airlangga,” said Kedungasri village chief, Sunaryo.

“We are very pleased with the enthusiasm of students in helping the people here,” he added.

In the briefing, Sunaryo revealed that the activity was aimed to build roads into the forest, Alas Purwo National Park, especially the direct access to the National Park Hall (BTN) Alas Purwo.

“The construction of the road to BTN Alas Purwo can improve the economy of Kedungasri people,” he said.

“This road starts from the eastern end of Dusun Pondok Asem for 3 km following a path that is specially made by Perhutani. It is marked with the mahogany trees planted along the existing route, “added Sunaryo.

Meanwhile, Babinsa of Kedungsari Village, Hasannudin stated that access to BTN Alas Purwo is only passable by two-wheeled vehicles. In that activity, mahogany trees along the journey are marked to know the access path that will be used.

The path was opened because there is a plan of opening a national park on a large scale, especially for the smooth access to BTN Alas Purwo.

“In the future we hope that the construction of this road can be realized. That way, the benefits can be immediately felt by the community, “said Hasannudin.

On the other hand, Ayu Nur Imany, a member of UNAIR KKN team, revealed that residents are very hopeful that the relevant agencies can immediately carry out road construction, especially able to improve welfare and bring good impact on society.

“Because for the development and opening of this road, people are very enthusiastic and welcome with open arms,” ​​he said. (*)

Author: Siti Mufaidah

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i