
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Publicizes Student Admission to Surabaya High School Headmasters

UNAIR NEWS – SNMPTN 2016 process is under way. From January 18 to February 20, 2016, the headmasters and teaching staffs are still inputting the school and students data to the database (PDSS). But some questions regarding the selection stage, especially SNMPTN were remained unanswered even for the school and teachers.

To smoothen the selection process of SNMPTN and SBMPTN, UNAIR invited the headmasters of all senior high schools and other schools at the same level in Surabaya for the publicization on Wednesday February 3.

It was held in Garuda Mukti Hall. UNAIR Rector and his staff, the Head of Middle and Vocational Education Division from Surabaya Education Agency (Dispendik) and his staff provided information to all of the schools’ representatives.

In the opening speech, Drs. Sudarminto, MPd – the Head of Middle and Vocational Education Division from Surabaya Education Agency (Dispendik) appreciated UNAIR support for the event. “We wanted to invite the admission committee because there are many things we need to understand. But UNAIR rector had the initiative first,” he said.  .

Prof Dr. M. Nasih, UNAIR Rector, stated that for SNMPTN 2016, the applicants were based on the school accreditation. Accredited A schools will get 75% quota. Accredited B schools will get 50% quota while accredited C schools will get 20% quota. The rest, will get 10% quota.

Furthermore, Prof. Dr. M. Nasih explained that schools are allowed to register their students for the SNMPTN 2016. The criteria were referred to their rapport, academic portfolio, and final exam integrity indexes each school.

With a communicative explanation and some jokes, UNAIR Rector aroused the attendees’ enthusiasm and they made a lot of inquiries as a response. Prof. Nasih said that it is possible to use national exam as the requirement to admit freshmen in SNMPTN.

“All rectors in Indonesian University Rector Assembly (MRPTNI) agreed to consider final exam results but the quality depends on each university,” Prof. Nasih said.

“UN results at least will be used as a baseline to decide school integrity index. That is how we consider the results, not by combining each individual results,” Prof. Nasih added.

Therefore, Prof. Nasih urged the authority not to announce the results of UN close with SNMPTN announcement. He also demanded the national exam to be held earlier than the schedule.

UNAIR capability in 2016 is 5,225 students and SNMPTN quota is 2,080.

In the same occasion, Suko Widodo as the Head of Information and Public Relations Center stated openly if there are any inquiries, teachers can contact or come directly to UNAIR. If necessary, according to the Head of PIH, UNAIR is also ready to publicize directly to counseling teachers and students at schools.  (*)

Author: Defrina Sukma S.
Editor: Suko Widodo