UNAIR NEWS – SNMPTN, SBMPTN and Bidik Misi registration mechanism which was considered complicated, proven otherwise by publicization held in Garuda Mukti Hall, Management Office Building 5th floor on Wednesday, February 3. There was friendly atmosphere with laughter during the activity. But, main materials were delivered well to the attendees from Education Agency Surabaya, teachers, and headmasters of senior high schools and other schools at the same level, public or private. Proceedings on the mechanisms were also distributed.
Hosted by communication expert, Suko Widodo, the event felt more homely as he kept making jokes and witty remarks. The attendees were quite entertained.
UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Moh. Nasih, SE., MT., Ak., CMA. also many times put in humors in his presentation. Thus, boredom was not seen from the attendees who had to sit for two hours.
“I was born from a religious family. So, after graduated from SMA I was going to go to IAIN, but I failed to enroll because I was late. The campus had already closed. So I went to UNAIR,” said the man from Gresik causing laughter from the headmasters.
It was uncommon publicization from UNAIR. Speakers or officials did not sit in front of the attendees facing them but they stood in front of them as if they were performing a monolog or a stand up comedy. The rector as the head of the admission committee presented his materials interactively.
The attendees were welcomed to ask directly and directly answered communicatively. Rector looked capable with the publicization materials. Formal occasion was diminished by his egalitarian style. Garuda Mukti Hall which usually used for sacred ceremony (such as Oath Taking and Professorship Awarding) was full of laughter and intimacy.
In the occasion, UNAIR Rector Prof. Nasih encouraged the headmasters, teachers and Education Agency officials to contribute in producing smart, honest generation with morality. Thus, database input as the requirement of admission should be conducted objectively. Consequently, UNAIR will be assisted to select the best students from Surabaya.
“But I believe all headmasters and teachers are decent. It can be seen from UNAIR students originally from Surabaya, they usually have great achievements,” said the FEB professor.
UNAIR Rector Prof. Nasih looked like a celebrity as many attendees requested for snapshots with him. “I’m going to take a picture with the smart and amusing rector, guys,” said one of the attendees while walking towards the former Vice Rector II.
The Head of Middle and Vocational Education Division from Surabaya Education Agency (Dispendik), Sudarminto was amazed by this publicization. He was honoured to be able to blend with UNAIR academicians. “I thought UNAIR lecturers and professors would take some distance from us. But they are in fact are friendly and amusing. We do feel comfy here,” he said.
In the future, his agency will invite UNAIR for other publicization in other places such as Dispendik office and schools.
UNAIR Vice Rector I Prof. Djoko Santoso, dr., Ph.D., Sp.PD., K-GH., FINASIM stated that his institution will be ready for publicizations in Surabaya or even in other towns in East Java. “It is a part of our jobs and responsibilities,” said the local committee of SNMPTN and SBMPTN. (*)
Author: Rio F. Rachman