
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Masters of Management’49 Weekday Festivities

UNAIR NEWS – Masters of Management (MM) students, Faculty of Economics and Business UNAIR Class 49 held MM’49 WeekdayThe event offered Ramadhan Study concept of study titled “Developing Value of Diversity with Intelligent Citizenship Awareness   .

Being held at Nuruzzaman Mosque Campus B UNAIR on Saturday, May 19, it was inspired by the last inconducive condition after the tragedy of suicide bombing in three Surabaya churches. The bomb exploded in the Santa Maria Immaculate Catholic Church, Indonesian Christian Church, and Central Pentecostal Church of Surabaya.

Imron Najib Erlangga of the committee said that the subject of the study led to 3 important points, the response to radicalism and extremism from academic and religious perspectives. It was aimed to educate students and public about the basics of intelligence as citizens in the society.

As it coincided with the holy month of Ramadhan, the committee also invited orphans from Ibn Maryam orphanage to voice ‘Suroboyo Wani’ through children coloring event.

“This event is a commitment of UNAIR Master’s Management students in supporting the mission of Master of Management UNAIR, which is to educate professionals who have the theory and practice of quality based on morality,” he said.

Furthermore, he also added that according to his personal views, Islam strongly opposes radicalism and extremism in any forms as they bring negative impacts for all parties.

“Therefore Islam always emphasizes the balance between the life and afterlife, the body and soul, mind and heart and also heaven and earth,” said Najib.

At the end, Najib also advised to learn more so we will not follow radicalsm and extremism. More insight and tabayun certainly make every individual wiser in seeing something comprehensively.

Author: Tunjung Senja Widuri

Editor: Nuri Hermawan