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3 FISIP study programs gain FIBAA international accreditation

3 FISIP study programs gain FIBAA international accreditation
Sosiologi, Ilmu Politik, & Antropologi UNAIR Resmi Terakreditasi Internasional FIBAA

UNAIR NEWSUniversitas Airlangga has achieved another commendable milestone. Three study programs from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at UNAIR have officially attained international recognition. The Sociology, Political Science, and Anthropology programs have gained international accreditation by FIBAA.

FIBAA, Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation, is an international accreditation body that ensures the quality of education according to the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) criteria. FIBAA has globally recognized assessment standards, making it prestigious.

The accreditation journey with FIBAA for these three programs has been quite extensive. There have been numerous stages and adjustments carried out by the teams at FISIP UNAIR. Collaboration has involved all academics in the programs, including students and alumni.

Kalimah Wasis, S.IP., M.Sc., the FIBAA Accreditation Manager for the Political Science study program, explained efforts were made to conduct a workload study survey among students to ensure FIBAA standards are met. It is aimed to measure the students’ study loads.

Furthermore, a tracer study of alumni experiences during their studies was conducted, along with surveys involving stakeholders and alumni who are now employed.

“Students were involved in the preparation for FIBAA accreditation. Student assessments are crucial in this accreditation,” she explained.

After submitting curriculum documents, Semester Learning Plan (RPS) documents, Self Evaluation Report (SER), appendices, and other supporting documents, the next stage involved the three departments undergoing accreditation visits by FIBAA assessors and report evaluations.

Faculty members from the Departments of Political Science, Sociology, and Anthropology received FIBAA visitation from Tuesday (21/11) to Thursday (23/11) before officially receiving FIBAA international accreditation. (Photo: By courtesy)

Meanwhile, one of the lecturers in the Department of Sociology, Ratna Azis Prasetyo, S.Sos., M.Sosio, explained that the main supporting factor for the success of FIBAA accreditation is the collective determination and commitment to improve. Commitment to educational quality through national and international accreditation is crucial.

“So far, the Sociology national accreditation has been excellent, supplemented by previous accreditation by the international Accreditation Service for International Schools (ASIC). With FIBAA’s accreditation, it will undoubtedly strengthen the study program’s position both nationally and internationally,” she elaborated.

On the other hand, the Head of the Anthropology Department, Pudjio Santoso, Drs., M.Sosio, is highly optimistic that this FIBAA accreditation will give a positive impression. “The Anthropology program at FISIP UNAIR is the only anthropology study program in Indonesia specializing in socio-cultural and physical anthropology. That’s what impresses them (the FIBAA assessors),” he stated.

Despite this achievement, the three study programs remain committed to enhancing quality and welcome feedback from various stakeholders, including students and alumni.

The study program managements extend gratitude to all those who have assisted in the accreditation process. Without such assistance, the international accreditation process would not have proceeded smoothly.

Author: Diana Febrian Dika

Editor: Feri Fenoria


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