Universitas Airlangga Official Website


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Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) organizes institutes/units/academic business units at university and faculty levels that provide services in development and training. These institutes/units can bring financial benefits or revenue to the university and faculty. UNAIR is open for partnership with other outside organizations (individuals, groups, or organization) to improve knowledge and skills by holding classroom trainings, workshops, seminars, in house trainings and many others. The training programs can be conducted in Universitas Airlangga or outside the university as needed by the partner organizations.

Regular training has been conducted by BKMP (Partnership and Development Management Board). In 2021, the training can be conducted online or offline by applying tight health protocols. 

Several regular training that have been successfully conducted include:

  1. PRIMA Service
  2. Asset Management
  3. Finance for Non-Finance
  4. Public Services
  5. Research Methodology & Statistic
  6. Investment and Regional Investment
  7. Cashflow & Risk Management
  8. Optimization Business Assets
  9. Human Resources & Career Planning

Several trainings are conducted intensively with the number of trainees are limited to 9 participants from organization and institutions outside UNAIR.

The topics of the trainings are specified, covering classroom training or in-house training. These types of trainings conducted by BKMP include (there are still possibility for trainings of other topics):

  1. After-duty Training
  2. Training for Optimalisation Strategy for Business Asset & Development
  3. Forecasting in Budgeting Training
  4. Green Hospital in-house Training

This training is conducted based on the needs requested by the trainees, institutions, companies, or certain corporations. The topics of this training are customized. Several customized trainings that have been held include: 

  1. Advanced Training on Accounting and Finance for Financial Managers of PJB Academy.
  2. Valuation and Financial Projecting Training for staff in PJB
  3. Research Methodology for Universidade Timor Larosa