Universitas Airlangga Official Website



Place, Date of Birth: Kasiman, Bojonegoro Regency, 24 August 1904


  1. Father: RMAA Koesoemohadiningrat, The Regent of Tuban East Java
  2. Mother: Ny. R.A.  Windrati  Notomidjojo (a daughter of Patih or first minister of Rembang)

Wife: Nawang Hindarti Djojo Adhiningrat


  1. Europeesche Lagere School, Tuban, 1918
  2. Hoogere Burger  School (HBS), Surabaya, 1923
  3. Law Graduate of Rijks Universiteit, Leiden, 1927
  4. Candidaat  lncisch  Recht, 1925
  5. Cumlaude Candidaat  Indologie, 1926


  1. 1 July 1928, a staff at the Governor’s Office of East Java
  2. 1934, a higher staff or Referendaris at the Governor’s Office of East Java
  3. 1 October 1940, a higher staff or Referendaris at t.b. Voorzitter Commissie tot bestudering v.Staatsrechtelike hervormingen (Commissie visman), Jakarta
  4. 1 May 1942 – 28 February 1943, Wedana of Batur (A high land of Dieng)-Gunseikan Banjarnegara (a Decree of the Regent of Banjarnegara),
  5. 1 March 1943 – 31 May 1944, Wedana of Purworejo-Klampok (Banjarnegara);
  6. 1 June 1944 – May 1945, Wedana of Purwokerto (a Decree of Gunseikan Banjarnegara);
  7. 1 June 1945, Deputy of Indonesian Independence Preparation Investigation Committee or BPUPKI (Investigation Committee/Dokuritsu Zyunbi Tyoosakai Zityoo) Jakarta,
  8. 1 August 1945, Deputy of the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence or BPKI (Dokuritsu Zyunbi Tyoosakai Zityoo) Jakarta,
  9. 17 August 1945 – 27 December 1949, the first State Secretary of Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta and Yogyakarta
  10. From 1 June – 1 October 1948, the State Commissioner of Internal Affairs, Sumatera; Commissioner of Central Government, Bukittinggi (Sumatra) 
  11. 1949-1954, a Professor of Public Administration Law of Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University
  12. 27 December 1949 – 7 December 1950, the Minister of Law, Jogjakarta
  13. 1954 -1961, the first Rector of Universitas Airlangga  appointed by the President Soekarno on 23 December 1954 at Governor’s Office Surabaya, with a Presidential Decree Rl-1/11/1954,
  14. 1954, Professor at the Faculty of Law, Unair ,
  15. 1956-1957, Acting President of Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar,
  16. 1959-1961, Acting Dean of Faculty of Dental Medicine, Unair,
  17. 1961-1967, high ranked staff of Indonesian Science Assembly or Majelis IImu Pengetahuan Indonesia Jakarta,
  18. 1967, Professor of Historical Research/State Of Republic of Indonesia Of Penelitian Sejarah/Ketatanegaraan RI,
  19. 1967, Head of State Educational Research Center or KIP Negeri, Surabaya,
  20. 1971, Member of House of Representatives of Republic of Indonesia,
  21. Professor in several private universities in Surabaya

Place, Date of Birth: Demak, 19 April 1908

Wife: Soetinah Djojodiredja

Children: Sri Wiono dan Hernowo

Address: Jl. Diponegoro No. 41 Surabaya


  1. 1933, Stovia Jakarta,
  2. 1938, Government Doctor, Assistant of Midwifery Clinic at Medical School, Jakarta, 
  3. 1942, Director of Pamdran Hospital, Cirebon,
  4. 1948, Associate Professor of Medical Higher Education, specializing in Midwifery and Obstetrics Diseases,  Solo,
  5. 1951, Associate Professor of Faculty of Medicine, specializing in Midwifery and Obstetrics, Surabaya,
  6. 22 March 1952, Awarded as s Professor in Midwifery and Obstetrics Diseases at Faculty of Medicine Universitet Indonesia, Surabaya Branch,
  7. 1951-1956, Head of Department of Midwifery and Obstetric Diseases of Faculty of Medicine, Unair,
  8. 1955-1957 Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Unair,

Colonel CKH.  Chasan Doerjat,  SH is the fourth rector of UNAIR, and served for this position for one year, 1965 – 1966. 

As a Law graduate, He was appointed when the Republic of Indonesia was undergoing a transition period from the old order to the new order period.

Member of Indonesian Islamic Student Movement Association or Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia (PMII) Airlangga Commissariat, 1963-2002.

One of the founding fathers of Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya.

Place, Date of Birth: Pasuruan (East Java), 12 May 1919

Death: Jakarta, 31 January 1980


  1. School of Medicine NIAS, Universitas Airlangga, 1937-1945
  2. Specialist Program in General Surgery, RSPAD-RSUP Universitas Indonesia, 1952-1956
  3. Specialist Program in Thoracic Surgery, Universitas Lund (1959-1960) and Unversitas Uppsala (1963-1964), Sweden
  4. Doctoral Program in Surgery Universitas Indonesia, 1961
  5. 19 December 1972, Professor of Surgical Sciences at Universitas Airlangga, His Scientific Oration was entitled “IImu Bedah Jantung Selayang Pandang“:

Work Experience:

  1. Doctor of Battalion of Karawang (Capten)
  2. Regimental Chief of Staff of VI Karawang
  3. Security Commander of Cikampek city
  4. Security Commander of Purwakarta city
  5. Brigade Chief of Staff of Tirtayasa
  6. Brigade Commander of Tirtayasa, Commander of Banten Territorial Army
  7. Regional Military Chief of Staff or Kasdam of Siliwangi
  8. Head of Department of Surgery RSPAD 1956-1966 (Colonel-Brigadier General)
  9. Rector of Universitas Airlangga 1966-1974 (Major General)
  10. Indonesian Ambassador in Sweden 1975-1978

Place, Date of Birth: Serang, 21 January 1920

Death: 1975

Family: wife (R. Soekarti Soeria Santoso) and four children


  1. ARTS Universitas Indonesia,1948,
  2. Brevet of Specialist Program in Pediatrics Universitas Indonesia, 1954,
  3. Harvard Medical Center, Boston, and Bsenhower Fellowship, USA , 1954-1955,
  4. Assistant Professor in Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, 1956,
  5. Professor of Faculty of Medicine Unair, 1964

Work Experience:

  1. Head of Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine, Unair 1959-1975,
  2. Member of Temporary People’s Consultative Assembly or MPRS Jakarta 1968-1971,
  3. Vice Rector of Development Affairs Unair,1969-1974,
  4. Head of Coordination of Private Universities or Kopertis Regional VI, 1974
  5. Rektor of Unair, 1974-1975.

Prof. Abdoel  Gani,  SH.,  MS  was the first “Unair Graduate” who was appointed as the rector of UNAIR

Place, Date of Birth: Pamekasan, East Java, 22 January 1930

Death: 28 April 2004, Surabaya

Family: Wife (Ny. Siti Noerani) , 2 Children


  1. Faculty of Law UNAIR, 1961,
  2. Master of Science in Public Administration, University of Colorado, USA, 1963,
  3. Beer Boston, USA, 1954-1955,
  4. Eisenhower Fellowship USA, 1958-1959
  5. Professor of Law Sciences at the Faculty of Law UNAIR

Work Experience:

  1. Head of Secretariat Faculty of Law Unair, 1961,
  2. Vice Dean II Faculty of Law Unair, 1965-1968,
  3. Presidium Member of Faculty of Law Unair, 1970,
  4. Dean of Faculty of Law Unair, 1970-1974.
  5. Secretariat of Universitas Airlangga, 1975-1976
  6. Rector of Unair , 1976-1981
  7. Head of Coordination of Private Universities or Kopertis Regional VII Surabaya, 1985

Organizational Experience:

  1. Indonesian Legal Scholars Association (PERSAHI), 1961,
  2. Indonesian Political Sciences Association (AIPI), 1991-1996,
  3. Indonesian Muslim Scholars Association (ICMI), 1995,
  4. member of House of Representative Republic of Indonesia MPR RI, 1995
  5. Member of Law Asia, 1973,
  6. ASEAN Law Association , 1980

Place, Date of Birth: Jakarta, 30 March 1930


  1. 1961 : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga
  2. 1961 – 1963 : Clinical Pathology University of California, AS
  3. 1972 : Medical Education Management Srilanka
  4. 1974 : Brevet of Specialist Program in Clinical Pathology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga
  5. 1974 : Hospital Management Leiden, Netherland
  6. 1977 : University Management OHIO University, AS
  7. 1979 : Research Management University Los Panjos, Manila
  8. 1982 : Doctor of Science, OHIO University, AS

Work Experience:

  1. 1963 – 1974 : Founder of Department of Clinical Pathology Faculty of Medicine, UNAIR – RSUD Dr Soetomo Surabaya; Head of Department of Clinical Pathology UNAIR
  2. 1969 – 1970 : Vice Director of RSUD Dr. Soetomo
  3. 1974 : Pioneer of Hemodialysis Unit Department of Clinical Pathology, RSUD Dr. Soetomo
  4. 1974 – 1980 : Vice Rector of Academic Affairs UNAIR
  5. 1978 : Head of Taskforce for Development of Education Systems of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia 
  6. 1980 – 1984: Rector of Universitas Airlangga
  7. 1985 – 1990 : Indonesian Representative for UNESCO
  8. 1992 – 1997 : Head of Commission IX (Education) of DPR RI

Place, Date of Birth: Pamekasan, 8 December 1913

Family: wife (Mieke Laksmiati) and 6 children


  1. Faculty of Medicine, Unair 11 Fabruary 1961,
  2. Brevet of Specialist program in Physiology, Unair, 2 October  1969,
  3. Professor of Faculty of Medicine in Physiology, and his Scientific Oration was entitled “Peranan IImu Faal dalam Pembinaan Olahraga dan Kesegaran Jasmani” (The role of Physiology in Sport Education and Physical Health)

Work Experience:

  1. Lecturer of Faculty of Medicine, Unair, 1955,
  2. Deputy head of Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine Unair, 1968 – 1997,
  3. Vice Rector Ill, Unair,1974-1984,
  4. Secretary of Universitas Airlangga, 1976-1981,
  5. Coordinator of Coordination of Private Universities or Kopertis Regional VII, Surabaya, 1979-1985,
  6. Rector of Universitas Airlangga, 1984-1989,
  7. Rector of Universitas Airlangga, 1989-1993,
  8. Member of MPR RI, 1987-1992 and 1992-1997,
  9. Indonesian Representatives for UNESCO, Paris, 1995-1999.

Organizational Experience:

  1. Volunteer troop on Indonesian Army Yon, Asembagus, 1946,
  2. Awarded the 45th Medal of Struggle in 1992,
  3. Active member of Surabaya Student Movement or Gerakan Mahasiswa Surabaya (GMS), 1952-1957,
  4. Head of Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) Surabaya, 1973-1978,
  5. Head of IAFI Surabaya, 1968-1984,
  6. General Chief of AF1, 1983-1987,
  7. Head of Ketua Indonesian Sports Health Development Association or Perhimpunan Pembina Kesehatan Olahraga Indonesia (PPKORI) Jatim, 1974,
  8. Member of International Union for Physiological Sciences (IUPS),
  9. Head of IKA Unair, 1984-1989,

Coordinator of ICMI East Java, 1991-1995

Place, Date of Birth: Surabaya, 19 April 1935


Wife: Retno Astoeti Soetanti


  1. Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga, 1962,
  2. Brevet of Specialist Program in Anatomy and Histology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga 1970,
  3. Post Graduate Course in Anatomy, Portland Medical School, Oregon, USA,
  4. Professor in Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga dalam Bidang IImu Anatomi/Histologi, and his scientific oration was entitled “Masalah Pengaruh Lingkungan pada Perkembangan Embrio” (The influence of Environment to embryo development)

Work Experience:

  1. Head of Department of Anatomy/Histology Faculty or Medicine Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, 1968-1979,
  2. Head of Study Program of General Medical Science, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga, 1980-1993,
  3. Rector of Universitas Airlangga, 1993-1997,
  4. Head of The Agency for The Authorization and Improvement of Educational Facilities and Quality or Badan Pengelola Otorisasi dan Peningkatan Sarana serta Mutu Pendidikan (BPOPSMP) of Extension program of Faculty of Economics Unair, 1993- 1997
  5. Member of The House of Representative Republic of Indonesia, 1997-1999.
  6. Professor of Emeritus Unair, 2017
  7. Rector of Universitas Wijaya Kusuma (UWK) Surabaya,

Organizational Experience:

  1. Member of Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) since 1962,
  2. 2. Member of Indonesian Society of Anatomy or Perhimpunan Ahli Anatomi Indonesia (PAAJ) since 1970

Place, Date of Birth: Surabaya, 20 May 1943

Family: Wife (Sri Ami Hastuti) and three children


  1. Faculty of Medicine Unair, 1968,
  2. Dip. Tropmed & Hyg. Di Mahidol University of Bangkok, 1971,
  3. Brevet of Specialist Program in Microbiology Faculty of Medicine Unair, 1973,
  4. Ph.D of Kobe University Japan, 1987,
  5. Professor in Parasitology of Faculty of Medicine Unair, inaugurated in 4 July 1992   and his scientific oration was entitled “Meningkatkan Kualitas Hidup Manusia Indonesia dengan Memberantas Penyakit Parasit Melalui Perbaikan Lingkungan Hidup” (Improving quality of Human Life by Abolishing Parasite-caused Diseases by Improving the Environment)

Work Experience:

  1. Lecturer of Faculty of Medicine Unair, 1968
  2. Head of Sub-Department of Parasitology Faculty of Medicine Unair, 1974-1984,
  3. Head of Department of Parasitology Faculty of Medicine, Unair, 1974-1979,
  4. Deputy Head of Department of Microbiology and Parasitology Faculty of Medicine Unair, 1978-1984,
  5. Head of Department of Parasitology Faculty of Medicine Unair, 1985-1990,
  6. Vice Rector I of Unair, 1993-1997,
  7. Rector of Unair, 1997-2001.

Organizational Experience:

  1. Member of Indonesian Medical Association (IDI),
  2. Member of Indonesian Society for the Eradication of Parasitic Diseases or Perkumpulan Pemberantasan Penyakit Parasit Indonesia (P4l),
  3. Member of Indonesia Society of Allergy and Immunology or Perhimpunan Alergi dan Imunologi Indonesia,
  4. Member of Association of Indonesian Public Health Experts or Indonesia Anggota ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia.
  5. Committee of Alumni Association or Ikatan Alumni Universitas Airlangga (KALANGGA)

Place, Date of Birth: Kediri, 16 November 1943

Family: Wife (Harwanita, SH) and 4 children


  1. Faculty of Medicine Unair, 1967,
  2. Brevet of Specialist Program of General Surgery Faculty of Medicine Unair, 1975,
  3. Management Program Faculty of Economics Unair, 1978,
  4. Cumlaude Doctoris Medicine University of Friedrich-Alexander Erlangen Nürnberg, RF Germany, 1972,
  5. Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery of Chirurgische Universitaets Erlangen Clinic, Nuernberg. RF Germany, 1973,
  6. Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Leiden, Netherland 1978,
  7. University Management Ohio, USA 1982,
  8. Neonatal Cardiac Surgery Auckland, New Zealand 1995,
  9. Research and Public Service, USA 1995,
  10. Healthcare Management, Harvard Univ. Cambridge, USA 2000
  11. Professor of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery of Faculty of Medicine Unair, inaugurated in 30 December 1997 and his scientific oration was entitled “Kreatifitas dan lnovasi Akademis untuk Teknologi Bedah Toraks Kardiovaskular dan Kemajuan ilmu Kedokteran Biomolekuler Kardiovaskular’ (Academic Creativity and Innovation of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery and the Advancement of Cardiovascular Biomolecular Medicine) 

Work Experience:

  1. Head of Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Unair, 1973-1997,
  2. Head of team of Cardiovascular Surgery of RSUD Dr. Soetomo/Faculty of Medicine Unair since 1975,
  3. Vice Rector (Research and Doctoral Program), 1976 1978,
  4. Secretary of Doctoral Program Unair, 1978-1980,
  5. Secretary of Research Institute Unair, 1978-1989,
  6. Head of Doctoral Education Program, 1980-1982,
  7. Director of LPIU SUDR-ADB Unair, 1992-1997,
  8. Assistant of Head of Laboratory of Surgery Science Faculty of Medicine, Unair 1996-1997,
  9. Head of Development Project of Special Pavilion RSUD Dr. Soetomo, 1996-1997,
  10. Team of Writers of Indonesian Handbook of Surgery Science 1990-1993,
  11. Vice Rector I (Education and Teaching, Research, and Community Service Affairs) since 2001,
  12. Member of National Research Council of Indonesia or Dewan Riset Nasional RI since 1997

Organizational Experience:

  1. Member of Indonesian Medical Association (IDI), since 1967,
  2. Indonesian Association of Surgeons or ikatan Ahli Bedah Indonesia (KABI) since 1975,
  3. Indonesian Association of Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgeons or Himpunan Bedah Toraks Kardiovaskular Indonesia (HBTKVI) since 1978,
  4. Indonesian Heart Foundation or Yayasan Jantung Indonesia since 1995,
  5. Head of Advisory Board of Goethe Foundation Indonesia,
  6. General Head of Eintopf Club Surabaya,
  7. German Alumni Association or Perhimpunan Alumni Jerman Surabaya Branch,
  8. Deutsche Gesellschaft Thorax Herz Gefaesschirurgie since 1971,
  9. International College of Surgeons ,1979,
  10. International Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgey , 1983,
  11. Asian Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery , 1989,
  12. Planetary Society, USA, 1990,
  13. New York Academy of Science, 1996


Supporting Information:

  1. Number of scientific publications: 89 publications (1973-2003), scientific articles presented in academic forums: 154 articles since 1976 – 2003.
  2. Monographs and Textbooks (author): 11, (co-author/contributor) International: 3 and national: 4

Place, Date of Birth: Malang, 31 December 1946,


  1. Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga
  2. lnstitut Teknologi Bandung (Doctoral Program in Mathematics and natural Sciences/MIPA)


  1. Head of Student Senate, Faculty of Pharmacy Unair
  2. Member of HMI Congress Workers’ Assembly or Majelis Pekerja Kongres HMI
  3. Head of Higher Education Council of PW Muhammadiyah or Majelis Pendidikan Tinggi PW Muhammadiyah East Java (1990-1994)
  4. Head of Division of SOM ICMI East Java (1990-1995)
  5. Head of KAHMI’s Regional Assembly or Majelis Wilayah KAHMI East Java (1995-2000)
  6. Head of the Regional Committee of Muhammadiyah or PW Muhammadiyah East Java (2000-…)
  7. Head of Kelompok Pakar Farmasi Indonesia (2004 – now)

Work Experience:

  1. Vice Rector I of Universitas Bangkalan, Madura (1987-1990)
  2. Rector of Universitas Bangkalan, Madura (1990-1994)
  3. Head of Laboratory of Biopharmaceutics – Pharmacokinetics (1990)
  4. Secretary of TPP Apoteker RS Farmasi Unair (1991-1994)
  5. Member of Regional Socio-Political Council or Dewan Sosial Politik Daerah (1992-1998)
  6. Director Assistant I Academic Affairs, Postgraduate School Unair (1994-1998)
  7. Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy Unair (1998-2002)
  8. Vice Rector I Academic Affairs Unair (2002-2006)
  9. Rector of Universitas Airlangga (2006-2015)

Place, Date of Birth: Lamongan, 6 August 1965


  1. Father: Abdul Wahab
  2. Mother: Djuwariyah
  3. The youngest of six siblings


  1. S1: Study Program of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, UNAIR (1991
  2. S2: Master Program in Industrial Management and Engineering FTI ITB (1997)
  3. S3: Doctoral Program in Economics PPS UNAIR (2005)
  4. Inaugurated as the Professor of Accounting Faculty of Economics and Business in 29 November 2014

Work Experience:

  1. Candidate of Civil Servant teaching staff (1992)
  2. Asisten Ahli Madya (1995)
  3. Assistant Professor (1999)
  4. Head of Laboratory of Taxing and Accounting Development Faculty of Economics UNAIR (2003)
  5. Secretary II Study Program of Accounting Faculty of Economics UNAIR (2004)
  6. Director of Finance Universitas Airlangga (2007)
  7. Vice Rector II Universitas Airlangga (2010)

Organizational Experience:

  1. The Indonesian Economics Association or Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia (ISEI)
  2. Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants or Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI)
  3. Indonesian Association of Islamic Economists or Ikatan Ahli Ekonomi Islam (IAEI)
  4. The Institute of State Finance Auditors or Institut Pemeriksa Keuangan Negara (IPKN)
  5. Nahdlatul Ulama Scholars Association or Ikatan Sarjana Nahdlatul Ulama (ISNU)

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