Universitas Airlangga Official Website

69th Anniversary Assembly: Rector highlights UNAIR’s achievement and contribution

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak delivered a speech during the 69th Anniversary Assembly. (Photo: PKIP UNAIR)

UNAIR NEWSUniversitas Airlangga held its 69th Anniversary Assembly on Wednesday, November 15, 2023, at the Garuda Mukti Hall, MERR-C Campus.

UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak led the assembly. The UNAIR academic community, alumni, and several guests attended this session. He expressed his gratitude for the age milestone.

The remarkable achievement was made due to the contributions of the predecessors who laid the pillars of the institution. “They have formulated the foundation that contributed to the development of UNAIR,” he said.

The remarkable achievement was made due to the contributions of the predecessors who laid the pillars of the institution. “They have formulated the foundation that contributed to the development of UNAIR,” he said.

To appreciate their legacy, the university gave lifetime achievement awards to UNAIR’s former leaders.

UNAIR has developed well since its establishment. UNAIR has accomplished an amazing track record during its 69 years of existence. Currently, UNAIR is ranked the 345th top university worldwide, 67th in Asia, and 15th in Southeast Asia. Simply put, the dedication UNAIR has put in over the past years has yielded positive outcomes.

“We are all grateful that UNAIR has accomplished a lot this year, including being the first leading university in East Java,” he said.

Various Planning

Nevertheless, UNAIR continues to progress. Prof. Nasih and the team have devised various plans for UNAIR’s quality improvement, such as improving the quality of graduates; expanding domestic and international partnerships; increasing research productivity and its benefits, and enhancing the quality of education.

“We’ve got several things to solve and improve through multiple ways,” he said.

The Chairman of the Board of Trustees (Majelis Wali Amanat – MWA) at UNAIR, Dr. H. Sunarto SH MH, expressed his support for these plans. “We endorse the main priority programs. We will also evaluate for adjustments during the implementation of these programs,” Sunarto stated.


He hoped that the planning would earn UNAIR more achievements. “We believe that our domestic and international partnership programs will take us forward. The ranking will rise,” he said.

In the end, the rector believed that the new age would strengthen the university’s contribution to the nation. Therefore, the academic community and partners must maintain productivity and a spirit of cooperation.

“UNAIR will improve its contributions with its quality human resources. The high commitment from all sectors will result in remarkable improvements,” he said.

Author: Icha Nur Imami Puspita

Editor: Nuri Hermawan