UNAIR NEWS – Analog Switch Off policy will soon be implemented in Indonesia. It has a direct impact on the media industry, which still uses analog frequencies as a means of transmission.
A mass media industry expert from Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Dr. Suko Widodo MSi, assessed that the transfer of Analog TV is inevitable in today’s modern world. “Analog to digital migration is a historical inevitability because of new technology. Apart from changing for the better, it is also not to be out of date,” he said.
Through the Analog Switch Off (ASO) program, all Analog TVs will not work and switched to Digital TV starting on April 30th. This program, consequently, will have an impact on the media industry, which is currently running on an analog line.
“In reality, the analog media industry may object. Both in terms of permits, technology, and data limitations for transfers,” he said while conveying the local East Java TV association complaints.
This condition is a dilemma for the media industry sector. However, to overcome this, Suko suggested a solution in government assistance for TV stations that were not ready to change. “An important task for the government is that the Analog TV industry now does not find it difficult to adjust the move towards digitalization,” said the 2022 East Java Education Council member.
Suko makes an analogy that the analog network as land overgrown with rice, while the digital network as rice fields with the same area but are stacked upwards. “So in addition to being able to load more, digital images and sound have better quality than using analog networks,” he explained.
In addition to effectiveness, the transfer also opens up great business opportunities. “With the opening of opportunities in doing business in the media, it will create hundreds of thousands of workers and generate taxes that can increase the country’s revenue,” he continued.
Intense competition between media business owners will also encourage TV stations’ variety, innovation, and creativity. “Because creativity is a capital for human resources to pursue a career in the digital world so that they can produce innovative shows,” he said.(*)
Author: Stefanny Elly
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia