Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Digital Economy and Health as epic collaboration to improve Indonesia’s health status

Septriana Tangkary, SE, MM during presentation (Photo: SS Zoom)

UNAIR NEWS – Septriana Tangkary SE MM, as Director of Information and Economic and Maritime Communication of Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemkominfo), became one of the speakers at Rumpi Bareng Isu Kekinian I (RUBIK I) webinar series. The webinar held on Sunday, May 8, 2022, by the Department of Strategic Studies of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Public Health raised “Digital Economy: Bridge to Improve Indonesia’s Health Status” as a topic.

Septriana showed the data on internet users increasing in Indonesia, including during the pandemic, as an indication of a shift in people’s activities to become more technology literate and utilize the internet. She also added that this significant increase became the responsibility of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemkominfo), which hopes to become the supervisor of Government Public Relations (GPR).

“Within the Ministry of Communication and Information, we can also see that all top priority or digital transformation programs aim towards a more advanced Indonesia, including the development of the Internet infrastructures from Sabang to Merauke. Because we hope that we can accelerate primary legislation and international relations with this activity, “said Septriana.

Closely related to international relations as one of the outputs of the digital economy, Septriana said that Indonesia is fortunate that it can easily obtain a COVID-19 vaccine because it is in the G20 Conference.

“There are 500 million vaccines sent from all the countries that I mentioned earlier, and this is our opportunity where we have better health status than other countries. And we hope that it becomes a good collaboration,” she explained.

Indonesia is now entering the era of disruption, continued Septriana. It is the era where consultation with doctors and other health services is done without meeting face-to-face. The health services, she said, can be ordered using a device along with its payment through a technology that will significantly facilitate the community.

Septriana also warned participants not to easily share personal information connected to any digital platform, including health. “Don’t convey our personal data easily or show our ID number linked to us. So, we have to be careful with existing technology because sometimes the leak is not only by accident, but also because of our carelessness,” she said.

Author: Leivina Ariani Sugiharto Putri

Editor: Nuri Hermawan