Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Five FIB UNAIR students win international business competition

Five students of Faculty of Humanities (FIB) UNAIR make an achievement in an international competition (Photo: Personal documentation)

UNAIR NEWS – Another impressive achievement came from the Faculty of Humanities (FIB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). Five of its students, Bakdiyatul Mukarromah, Maratus Sholikhah, Leony Sutanto Halim, Fitriana Haryanti, and Jagad Marsela Eka Putri managed to get silver medal in the International Youth Business Competition 2022 organized by The Indonesian Young Scientist Association.

The competition started on March 25, 2022. One month afterward, the organizers announced the winners.

“Surely we are happy and also proud. Our struggles this far have been paid off with an international-level achievement through our paper,” said Bakdi as the team representative.

Their preparation was not short. They worked together, brainstorming ideas and preparing themselves for the competition for around three months.

“We’ve made preparation since February 2022. The first thing we did was discuss the topic that accommodates the competition’s theme related to the economic context. Then we discussed through Zoom Meeting and trained our presentation skill,” explained Bakdi.

Bakdi stated that she and her team had some challenges during the preparation. Time management was one of the biggest challenges because each member had their tight schedule.

Even with time management challenges, the five students could work together very well. The challenge did not inhibit them from developing the ideas brought in by the competition. The main key is in good and intensive communication.

“The idea we took for the paper was about the AWAL.AN platform. The purpose is to help enterpreneurs with capital. Our paper is titled AWAL.AN: Crowdfunding-Based Business Incubator Platform in an Attempt to Achieve Indonesia’s Nation of Entrepreneurs 2045,” Bakdi added.

Bakdi stated that they came from the same organization, Achievement Circle (Lipres). It is a community in FIB UNAIR.

“At first, the member was only three people. Finally, we collaborated with other Lipres members,” Bakdi revealed.

Last, Bakdi and her team advise other students to never stop trying new things. They motivate their colleagues to have a spirit of making achievements. “Because UNAIR will fully support your achievements and FIB itself has also provided a space through the Lipres community,” she mentioned.

Author: Fauzia Gadis Widyanti

Editor: Feri Fenoria

Caption foto: Kelima Mahasiswi FIB UNAIR Raih Prestasi di Ajang Internasional (foto: dokumen pribadi)