UNAIR NEWS – The annual event of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Leadership Meeting and Focus Group Discussion (FGD), has been held. The meeting attended by all leaders of faculties, directorates, boards, institutes, and centers within UNAIR is held from Monday to Wednesday, June 27-29, 2022, at The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung. In his opening speech, UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak expressed his appreciation to the academic community for their excellent performance. In the last two years, there have been many achievements UNAIR made amid various complex challenges. “UNAIR has achieved many extraordinary achievements since the beginning of the year. Thank you for your togetherness, collaboration, and sincerity all this time. So that in the last two years, UNAIR has been able to make achievements,” said the Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business. According to Prof. Nasih, all problems faced in the future must be faced with a spirit of togetherness, communal work (gotong royong), and collaboration. He also hoped that the culture of teamwork by prioritizing value-added must continue to be fostered.

Achievement in IKU PTN BH
On that occasion, the 13th Rector of UNAIR also broke positive news about UNAIR’s achievement in Key Performance Indicators (IKU). UNAIR has won IKU 3 excellence award for lecturers who are active outside campus of legal entity state universities (PTNBH). Meanwhile, in the League of Legal Entity State Universities (PTNBH), UNAIR is ranked fourth. “We should be grateful that UNAIR received an appreciation from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. UNAIR as the best PTNBH for IKU 3. It is an extraordinary thing,” he said.
Key to 369 QS WUR achievement
Furthermore, UNAIR has made a significant leap in the QS World University Rankings (WUR). UNAIR is currently ranked Top #369 WUR before previously at Top #465 WUR. However, for this achievement, Prof. Nasih reminded that the key to this achievement is the proofing. UNAIR must be able to prove that this achievement has an impact on the environment. “Prove it to the nation and state. Prove it to the public. Prove it to students,” stressed Prof. Nasih. Prof. Nasih also encourages faculties to prioritize developing the quality of students and graduates. The entire educational process must be fully related to producing graduates, relevant to the challenges. “The challenges ahead will certainly not be easy. We must continue to be able to make breakthrough innovations and solutions to problems that arise,” he said.
Author: Feri Fenoria