Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR discloses character education strategy with Lemhanas RI

The Leader of the Strategic Studies Group, Major General of TNI Kup Yanto Setiono, delivers his opening speech. (Photo: Istimewa)

UNAIR NEWS – The National Resilience Institute (Lemhanas) visited UNAIR for Domestic Strategic Studies on Tuesday morning, July 5, 2022. Conducted in Tarumanegara Room, Airlangga Sharia and Entrepreneurship Education Center (ASEEC) Tower, the study was held for the Force Regular Education Program (PPRA) class LXIV.

The event was started by the Leader of the Strategic Studies Group, Major General of TNI Kup Yanto Setiono. The strategic studies at UNAIR were manifested in the character education strategies and their relevance to the current social development. The activity is in line with the role of Lemhanas RI, particularly the cadre’s preparation coaching and leadership strengthening at the national level.

“Cadres of Lemhanas carry enormous tasks. Apart from understanding and being able to teach national insight, we must also provide conceptual and strategic studies regarding various national, regional, and international issues as required by the President,” said the senior officer.

On the same occasion, the Head of National and Character Education Unit (UPKK) UNAIR Syahrur Marta Dwi Susilo, PhD. Syahrur said that universities should have character education to balance knowledge acquisition in higher education.

To integrate morality with higher education studies, the institutionalization of morals and character is required. It is manifested in the character education, which will be integrated with the General Compulsory Courses (MKWU),” said the Japanese Studies lecturer.

General Compulsory Courses, such as Indonesian Language, Citizenship, Pancasila, and Religion were previously separated. Syahrur stated that the courses’ substances should intersect, precluding them from being separated from one another. Therefore, UNAIR has implemented Integrated MKWU.

The purpose of integrated MKWU will combine morals and character within subjects like Citizenship and Religion to prevent the contradiction of each essence.

“We strive to teach national values that go with the current dynamics of Generation Z. We can no longer teach national values, like using the Pancasila Appreciation and Practicing Guide (P4) method like before. Therefore, we facilitate nationalism studies. We encourage students to be critical and able to write their opinions regarding the nation’s problems. Hopefully, they can take part in the solution,” he concluded.

Author: Pradnya Wicaksana

Editor: Nuri Hermawan