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Postgrad Student Inauguration, Head of UNAIR Planning and Development Board focuses on academic quality through research and collaboration

Head of UNAIR Planning and Development Board (BPP) Dian Ekowati SE MSi M AppCom(OrgCH) PhD gives an oration at the Inauguration of Postgraduate Students, Thursday, August 25, 2022. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

UNAIR NEWS – The Inauguration of New Students for Doctoral, Masters, Specialist, and Professional Programs Odd Semester, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), was held on Thursday, August 26, 2022. A Senior Lecturer of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Dian Ekowati SE MSi M AppCom(OrgCH) PhD had the opportunity to give an oration at the inauguration ceremony held in the Garuda Mukti Hall, MERR C Campus.

Her oration was entitled Toward Global Recognition: The Role of Postgraduate Students for Impactful UNAIR. Dian reminded me that being part of Universitas Airlangga means knowing the main strategy, optimizing the use of the latest technology, providing added value for all stakeholders and having a significant impact.

“UNAIR 2026, we want to reach the Top 25% in the world, but we can guarantee the quality, maintain conformity, and improve relevance. Speaking of systems, there are processes, inputs, outputs, and outcomes that all have to move forward in line by ensuring all indicators measured,” explained the alumna of Gadjah Mada University.

The Head of Planning and Development Board (BPP) UNAIR mentioned two points from the SMART Program with Strategic Initiatives & Program Themes, Sustainable Education for All which has four keywords ( relevance, flexibility, globalization, and sustainability) and Meaningful Research and Community Service.

She continued that Academic Reputation is focused on the quality of research. As an academic in a university, it is necessary to show the results of research or publications. Not only talking about quality but also how to ensure quality research is published properly.

Research and Collaboration

“Establish a good relationship with the supervisor, use their advice to develop yourself and do the right research. Being a postgrad student, of course, the expectations are different from undergrad students, so they have to broaden knowledge in any form through research and collaboration,” she said.

Meaningful research & community service is a program where postgraduate students can also contribute. Dian mentioned scientific culture, citation-reference, problem-solving, and SDGs ( Sustainable Development Goals ) Focus developed this program.

Improving academic quality must be supported by strengthening research and community service. The results of research and community service can be a solution to global community problems.

Dian advised becoming an academic must be capable of conducting meaningful research. Postgraduate students from various backgrounds can be a source of ideas and perspectives on research, both empirical and applied.

Author: Balqis Primasari

Editor: Nuri Hermawan