UNAIR NEWS – Youth, in our top minds, marks the long journey of the 77th Independence of Indonesia. The statement was made by Dr. H Suparto Wijoyo SH MHum, Universitas Airlangga Faculty of Law lecturer. He stated that Indonesia’s independence was collectively built on the historical process of the youngsters.
“Just like HOS Cokroaminoto built as the nation’s political, nationalism, democracy, and socialism mentor. He is a notable national figure, the teacher of our heroes,” Suparto said.
One of the most influential figures, Bung Karno, got the essence of the movement which was headquartered in Peneleh. With enormous contributions to the nations, Surabaya should inspire us in the 77 years of Indonesia’s independence. National figures like Tjokroaminoto, whose ideas were transformed into Bung Karno’s energy, were born in Surabaya.
“Bung Karno also continued the transforming effort into other heroes, both nationalists and the religious figures,” he added.
It also corresponds to the effort of a religious figure, Hasyim Asy’ari. Suparto said that the struggle during the colonial era in 1913 resulted in the burning of Tebu Ireng boarding school by the Dutch. The burning was caused by resistance from the religious community. In addition, resistance to the Japanese occupation resulted in Hasyim Asy’ari being arrested and imprisoned.
“Why did he get arrested? The Kiai assembled the 20,000 nation’s elements [santri, ed.]. There was not even phone or social media,” he said.
Addressing the independence event, Suparto went on, it is impossible to forget the heroes’ struggle. Reminiscing their effort and service is compulsory.
“From the struggle, we have to do better by following President Jokowi’s order in fulfilling the 2045 Indonesia Maju. The 77 years momentum is an important milestone for all of us,” he said.
The speech was a part of Ruang Publik special edition of 77th Indonesia Independence Day carrying the ‘Recover Faster Rise Stronger’ theme on Thursday, August 18, 2022.
Author: Affan Fauzan
Editor: Feri Fenoria