Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Rector instructs BBK Community Service students to maintain positive attitude and good reputation of alma mater

Photo of Rector and officials in sending off ceremony of KKN BBK (Photo: Imam Ariadi)
Rector and officials in sending off ceremony of KKN BBK (Photo: Imam Ariadi)

UNAIR NEWS – Rector of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak officially deployed 3055 Community Service Program – Learning with Community (BBK) students in 11 regencies and cities at Airlangga Convention Center, Campus MERR C on July 9, 2023.

“This BBK program aims to mold graduates who uphold UNAIR’s values, Excellence with Morality and test students whether they can learn lessons during the program,” said the UNAIR Rector.

Maintain positive attitude during the program

During the BBK program, students are encouraged to show humility among the local communities, not feeling superior because they have the opportunity to get a higher education. They must provide insight and knowledge during education.

The students are expected to see the problems in the communities. They will become problem solvers during the BBK program to form good memories among local communities.

“I will not stop reminding students to hold on to UNAIR’s values: Excellence with Morality, so there won’t be any incidents we don’t want at this year’s BBK KKN,” emphasized Prof. Nasih.

Avoiding big sins of higher education

Prof. Nasih said there are big sins that students are not allowed to commit: anti-NKRI, bullying, committing racial acts and sexual harassment. Students must avoid them before or after the BBK program.

Furthermore, the Rector added that if students do things that tarnish the good name of their alma mater, UNAIR will not hesitate to punish these students severely.

“I have advised the accompanying lecturer during the BBK to supervise the student work program during the activities there. Keep up your morale, and good luck in serving the community,” he concluded.

Author: Satrio Dwi Naryo

Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia

Read also: Photo: 2nd KKN BBK Sending-off Ceremony Universitas Airlangga