Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR students disseminate negative impacts of teenage marriage in Kediri

Allysa, a Public Administration student of UNAIR delivers material on the risk of teenage marriage in Plosokidul Village, Kediri.
Allysa, a Public Administration student of UNAIR delivers material on the risk of teenage marriage in Plosokidul Village, Kediri.

UNAIR NEWS – The cases of teenage marriage are quite high and continue to increase every year. The problem roots from the high number of unplanned pregnancies among unmarried young women, which leads them to requesting marriage dispensation from the local government.

Responding to the issue, the Community Service Program-Learning with Community (KKN BBK) group of Universitas Airlangga conducted dissemination on sexual violence prevention and adolescent sexual reproductive health to the teenagers at Plosokidul village, Kediri, on Sunday, July 30, 2023.

Allysa the Head of the program stated that the dissemination aims to raise the local’s awareness of the negative impacts of teenage marriage. Teenage marriage has more dangerous risks to women’s reproductive health. Hence, providing education and intervention is necessary to tackle this problem effectively.

“Young pregnant women are at a greater risk for miscarriage, the expulsion of a fetus in less than 20 weeks of gestation. Besides, there are also risks of premature birth and post-partum bleeding,” she said.

Pre-test and post-test

The Bank Indonesia scholarship awardee further explained that the materials include reproductive healthcare, sexual violence prevention, and teenage marriage prevention. A pre-test and post-test were also conducted in the agenda in order to assess their understanding of the material provided.

“Our program indicator is the participants’ level of understanding. We measured that using pre-test and post-test. Hopefully, the material will give them more knowledge on the matters,” said the Jakarta-origin student.

At last, Allysa stated that their program has received positive responses from the teens. The karang taruna in the village also assists the program. They even continued the dissemination periodically.

“In terms of health aspects, this program can be a foundation for a Youth Health Center (Posyandu), which is currently unavailable. In the long run, the Posyandu could also help reduce the prevalence of stunting in the community,” she said.

Author: Rafli Noer Khairam

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia