Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Infographic: Era of Electric Vehicles, Moment to Use Energy Wisely

Infographic on electric vehicle by Tahira Rihaadatul 'Aisy
Infographic on electric vehicle by Tahira Rihaadatul 'Aisy

UNAIR NEWS – Irfan Wahyudi S.Sos M.Comms Ph.D. UNAIR Sociology Lecturer

The emergence of electric vehicles is the global response for the excessive use of fossil fuels leading to alternative energy use.

Social Benefits

– Improving awareness of society on energy consumption

– Dissemination and use of electric vehicles can solve social justice and health issues

Causing Gap

It causes a gap in society between people with and without resources to access electric vehicles.

Government anticipation

– Incentive plan

– Electric-powered mass transports

Read also: Other infographics

Source: https://unair.ac.id/sosiolog-unair-sebut-era-kendaraan-listrik-momen-untuk-bijak-gunakan-energi/