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UNAIR Faculty of Pharmacy hosts IGSCPS 2023 to support SDGs

UNAIR NEWSThe Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), successfully organized the International Graduate Student Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences (IGSCPS) 2023 which was themed “Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science Contributions to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Good Health Well Being.” This conference served as a platform for students and academics to share knowledge and innovative ideas in pharmaceutical science to support the achievement of sustainable development goals, particularly in ensuring adequate health and well-being. The hybrid event was held on Saturday, August 5, 2023.

Supporting collaborative networking

The opening speech was delivered by UNAIR’s Directorate of Education, Prof Dr Sukardiman MS Apt expressing the institution’s support for the Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) in achieving sustainable development goals, especially in the fields of health and community well-being.

“International collaboration, such as this conference, is the key to advancing the field of pharmaceutical science globally. We hope this conference will be the first step in strengthening academic networking among countries and promoting the exchange of knowledge that will benefit the advancement of science and the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” he said.

A Platform for Knowledge Sharing

Prof Junaidi Khotib S Si M Kes Ph D Apt, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy UNAIR, expressed his hopes that the conference would be a platform for students and academics from various countries to share knowledge and the latest research findings in pharmaceutical science.

“We take pride in hosting this conference. We hope that this conference will be a platform for graduate students from various countries to share knowledge and the latest research findings in pharmaceutical science,” he said.

International academics and students from various countries, including Japan, Egypt, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, and the United States attended IGSCPS 2023. By combining virtual and in-person formats, the conference successfully created a collaborative environment that allowed participants from different parts of the world to engage actively.

Furthermore, participants presented their research findings and took part in various discussions and Q&A sessions. With the presence of international academics and students, it is expected that this conference will strengthen the global academic network in the field of pharmacy and contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge.

Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modelling

The conference also featured two experienced keynote speakers. Prof Swati Nagar PhD, from the School of Pharmacy, Temple University, USA, presented an engaging topic on “Understanding Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modelling.” In her presentation, she highlighted a promising approach to enhance the understanding of pharmacokinetics, which involves the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs in the body.

“Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modelling holds great potential in improving our understanding of pharmacokinetics and aids in developing safer and more effective drugs,” she explained.

Enhancing Research and Publication Quality

Next, Prof Fernando Fernandez Llimos PhD, from the School of Pharmacy, University of Porto, Portugal, discussed “Improving the Quality of Publication in Clinical and Social Pharmacy Practice Research: The Granada Statement.” Quality publications are vital in disseminating research findings and ensuring that research contributes positively to society.

He discussed The Granada Statement, a guideline adopted by the international pharmacy community to improve standards and the quality of publications in pharmaceutical research.

“One of the implementations is through The Granada Statement, which enhances the quality and relevance of clinical and social pharmacy research for society,” he emphasized.

Author: Satriyani Dewi Astuti

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh