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UNAIR lecturer develops IoT-based cart for street vendor

Source: kompas
Source: kompas

UNAIR NEWSUNAIR lecturer from the Faculty of Advanced and Multidisciplinary Technology (FTMM) have successfully developed a mobile cart for street vendors based on the Internet of Things (IoT). The mobile cart was developed by Rodik Wahyu Indrawan SST MTrT and team.

Using IoT

The mobile cart is equipped with Internet of Things (IoT) devices and an online mobile application system. This application facilitates buy-sell transactions between vendors and customers.

This invention is expected to be beneficial for the community, especially for itinerant vendors from the lower to middle-income segments of society.

Two interfaces

The invention, which was registered in the Intellectual Property Database (PDKI) in September 2022, features two interfaces: one for itinerant vendors as sellers and another for residential community members as buyers. Residential community members can use the application to view inventory, place orders, and locate itinerant vendors.

Also read: Mahasiswa FTMM UNAIR Ciptakan Nanokomposit Penyerap Logam Berat Arsenik dan Kadmium pada Limbah Industri

The vendors can use the cart to sell various basic needs. This smart application can also monitor sales and activity reports and predict product demand based on specific times and regions.

“It helps vendors to determine the types of products they will sell in a specific area at a particular time,” he said.

The Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Engineering program lecturer stated that the design is meant to enhance the quality of buying and selling for itinerant vendors. “This cart is expected to ease the vendors in their sales activities and boost their income,” he said.

Though it is still in the development stage, the IoT-based mobile vending cart is expected to be mass-produced soon so that it can benefit a wide range of communities.

Author: Stefanny Elly

Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh