UNAIR NEWS – Rector of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Prof Dr Mohammad Nasih SE MT AK, has inaugurated seven new professors. The addition of professors confirmed the university’s regional and global recognition. The Rector said that the inauguration of these professors could increase international research collaboration.
The inauguration was held on Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at the Garuda Mukti Hall, Universitas Airlangga. The seven professors are Prof Trias Mahmudiono SKM MPH GCAS PhD, Prof Dr Santi Martini Dr MKes, Prof Dr Ratna Dwi Wulandari SKM MKes, Prof Ira Nurmala SKM MPH PhD, Prof Dr Erma Safitri Drh MSi, Prof Dr Epy Muhammad Luqman MSi Drh PAvet , and Prof. I Gede Wahyu Wicaksana SIP MSi PhD.
“It will definitely increase the strength, energy, and enthusiasm of Universitas Airlangga. Of course, it shouldn’t stop with the inauguration, enthusiasm and contribution must continue to given, so that the impact of these professors can be visible,” said the rector in his speech.
Contribution to Education
He hoped that the more competent researchers and lecturers, the higher the quality of the universities. According to THE WUR 2024, UNAIR is ranked second among the best universities in Indonesia. Of course, this is the result of the entire academic community’s contributions.
“This is the result of how UNAIR contributes to the development of science. The most important thing is how our contribution to Indonesia and the world gets recognition,” he added.
According to UNAIR Rector, new professors must be able to contribute more to the sustainability of education in Indonesia, especially in research. UNAIR needs to increase research collaboration with the international community. Therefore, the spirit of internationalization must continue to be improved for the university and the good of all.
Nutrition education and healthy lifestyle
In his speech, UNAIR Rector also discussed the problem of stunting in Indonesia. He said that education about nutrition must be provided massively to the community, especially parents because there is a correlation between nutrition and stunting in children. In his opinion, Indonesian people are more concerned with being full when eating, not the nutritional content.
“If someone has certain health problems, they will usually go too far. So, those who used to be stunted and thin, often obese when they grow up. This is about lifestyle,” he said. (*)
Author: Afrizal Naufal Ghani
Editor : Binti Q Masruroh