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WUACD holds international guest lectures at FIKKIA

UNAIR NEWS – World University Association for Community Development (WUACD) Universitas Airlangga ( UNAIR ) held an international guest lecture on Wednesday, Nov 22, 2023, in the FIKKIA Mojo Campus Hall. Four speakers were invited: Maheen Mumtaz (National University of Sciences & Technology Pakistan), Prof Dr Chinnappan Ambrose Kalpana (Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women India), Prof Dr Muhammad Aziz Rahman (Federation University Australia), and Prof Syed Mizanur Rahman (Daffodil International University Bangladesh). Academics from the Faculty of Health, Medicine, and Natural Sciences (FIKKIA) Banyuwangi attended the activity.

Presenting a topic on the empathy ecosystem, Maheen Mumtaz said that empathy is a part of humanism closely related to humans. Through empathy, humans hear and are moved to help others. Empathy helps individuals connect with the environment and build relationships between people. The way to do this is by connecting the heart and mind.

“Without empathy, we will not take real action to help other people’s complaints,” he said.

Empathy is even needed nowadays. Personally, humans can develop empathy by interacting. However, the use of social media influences limiting intense interactions between individuals directly. Therefore, growing up in an environment that is productive and full of interaction will naturally give rise to a sense of empathy.

“Other people can’t teach you to build empathy. Because empathy always starts with yourself,” he explained.

In line with the impact of technological developments. Prof. Dr. Chinnappan Ambrose Kalpana said that educational innovation in public health continues to progress after the COVID-19 pandemic. In Indian communities, health education is carried out using a WhatsApp communication approach. Communities connected through groups will regularly share educational videos and memes.

“Technology has a huge impact on helping human life,” she said when presenting the material titled Digital Technology Assisted Public Health and Nutrition Intervention.

Changing behavior is very important to change people’s lifestyles to be healthier. Collaboration between fields through health, politics, and other stakeholders helps create better content and the environment.

In a broader scope, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aziz Rahman said that global collaboration overcomes funding limitations in public health research. Differences in behavior are not a problem if researchers identify contemporary issues of common interest. Another critical key is finding suitable collaborators and resolving obstacles with professional supervision.

“Solve the technical issues first and involve experienced people. The plan will not work without real action,” he said.

It’s not only collaboration skills that are needed. Personally, Prof. Syed Mizanur Rahman said that body language is as important as the first impression. Body language will convey a person’s authority and image. So, body language has economic value as interaction feedback is obtained.

“Body and soul become superpowers in interacting with other people. You will get different behavior from one another, including body language,” he said.

Author: Azhar Burhanuddin

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia