UNAIR NEWS – In the last day of WUACD Summit 2023, Andi Hamim Zaidan MSi PhD as lecturer of Faculty of Science and Technology Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) invited WUACD delegates to visit the Marine Station in Banyuwangi on Wednesday, Nov 22, 2023, in Pakis Village, Banyuwangi.
Marine Station Banyuwangi is equipped with various facilities such as classrooms, laboratories and educational pools to support research and academic development activities in the fisheries sector. The marine station is an effort of UNAIR Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences to support the activities of FPK’s five superior research fields: fish health, fish nutrition, fisheries biotechnology, fisheries and environmental resource management and post-harvest and fish processing (post-harvest and fish processing).

Zaidan said that the Marine Station was a forum or facility for UNAIR aquaculture study program students to carry out the tri dharma of higher education. The management of the Marine Station also receives support and cooperation from the government and its management also involves the local community. It is in line with SDG 14 and 17: Life Under Water and Partnerships to Achieve Goals.
“Apart from collaborating with the government, we also empower the local community in managing the Marine Station. In this case, the community not only manages it but also markets it. So, this can be UNAIR’s real contribution to the people of Banyuwangi,” he said.
Not only fish ponds, the Marine Station also produces seaweed which is then processed into capsule shells by UNAIR’s Teaching Industry at UNAIR’s MERR C Campus Surabaya.
He also opened the widest possible collaboration to all university delegates to work together with UNAIR in managing this project. According to him, this project has great potential, especially if many universities collaborate with UNAIR.
“So, the Marine Station will become a good reference for universities and strengthen the welfare of seaweed farmers,” he explained.

The delegates of WUACD Summit 2023 were also invited to tour and see the educational fish pond. They were enthusiastic and interested in UNAIR’s innovation. In fact, they are not shy to take part in catching shrimp with the community using the community’s fishing nets. The catch is then cooked and enjoyed together.
Author: Khefti Al Mawalia