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The Impact of Nanoplastic on the Immune Response and Reproductive Health of the Fish

Nile tilapia Illustration
Nile tilapia Illustration

Nanoplastics (NP) are toxic particles present in our surroundings. It is recognized that these small plastic particles can enter the body. The abundance and distribution of NP in the environment are of particular concern due to their impacts on human health. These small particles can enter the body either directly or indirectly through the respiratory tract, digestion, and skin surface.

In nature, NP particles are formed through the degradation process of microplastic particles breaking down into smaller NP particles. In everyday life, NP particles are widely used in industrial activities, personal care products, cosmetics, and others. Unknowingly, these toxic particles enter and accumulate in the body.

In aquatic environments, small plastic particles (micro or nanoplastics) are categorized as primary micro-nanoplastics when these plastic particles are directly released into the environment, generally in the form of microfibers, fragments, beads, and plastic pellets. Secondary micro-nanoplastics originate from the degradation of larger plastic products after being exposed to the environment, forming regular or irregular shapes from processes such as abrasion, mechanical wear and tear, wave action, photo-oxidation, and biological degradation until they reach small sizes.

Contamination of very small plastic particles (NP) in water can accumulate in aquatic organisms and disrupt their metabolism, including fish. Long-term exposure not only causes oxidative stress but also affects vital organ tissue damage, especially in organisms living in aquatic environments, such as freshwater fish.

The adverse effects of NP particles can cause combined toxicity due to their ability to bind with organic and inorganic pollutants (heavy metals), thereby increasing bioavailability. The abundance of NP particles in water raises concerns about their potential toxicity to aquatic organisms, including fish commonly consumed by humans.

Based on scientific studies, there is a significant risk posed by NP exposure in water that can disrupt the reproductive health of fish, leading to fertilization disturbances. Furthermore, NP is highly likely to cause apoptosis cell death.

On the other hand, Nile tilapia is one of the freshwater fish species that easily adapt to their environment. Nile tilapia can survive in water with salinity levels of 0-15 ppt. However, for optimal growth and development, Nile tilapia is usually more suitable in freshwater or low-salinity water environments. This fish has high economic value due to the omega-3 protein content in its meat. Nile tilapia has characteristics that are suitable and a very high adaptation ability in various environments.

Additionally, Nile tilapia also has high reproductive capacity, making it beneficial as a source of protein alternative to red meat. However, it is crucial to carefully consider the toxicological impacts of NP contamination accumulated in the bodies of Nile tilapia, especially on their immune response and reproductive abilities.

When the habitat of Nile tilapia is exposed to NP particles, research results show that these particles disrupt the fish’s immune system and also affect reproductive organs in producing gametes for reproduction. NP-contaminated aquatic environments reduce the quality of fish reproduction. The higher the concentration of NP exposure, the worse the fertilization ability.

From the research conducted, researchers suggest that improving plastic waste management needs to be prioritized. Additionally, minimizing the use of plastic raw materials in daily life is essential.

Author: Alfiah Hayati

Detailed information from research: https://www.tjnpr.org/index.php/home/article/view/3563/4075