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Measurement of Several Profile Angles in Chinese Populations

Deutro-Malayid Illustration (source: Kompas)

Any deviation from normal facial proportions and dental relationships is referred to as a dentofacial deformity. This deformity frequently manifests a complex disorder known as dysgnathia, which necessitates a combination of orthodontics and surgery known as orthognathic surgery to correct. After surgery, alterations in the position of the underlying skeletal bones can affect the facial soft tissues. These alterations have an effect on the facial profile of the patient, making the prediction of the patient’s facial profile a crucial step in planning orthognathic surgical treatment.

The purpose of this study is to obtain direction on standard profile angle measurements in the Chinese and Deutro-Malayid populations in Surabaya in order to perform surgery in the maxillofacial region that can result in changes in profile angle measurements. Data was collected from 100 Surabaya residents who meet the research criteria.

Statistical calculations using the Hotelling’s Trace test on ANOVA test results between the Chinese and Deutro-Malayid populations in Surabaya obtained p=0.363 (p>0.05). There was only a significant difference in the submental-neck angle among other variables, with p=0.041 (p<0.05). No significant differences in profile angles were found between the Chinese and Deutro-Malayid populations in Surabaya.

In this article we will discuss dentofacial deformities which are multifactorial disorders that affect the jaw, teeth or other craniofacial structures. The presence of dentofacial deformities can have a psychological impact on individuals, potentially affecting self-esteem, decision making in interpersonal relationships, public behavior and perceptions of physical attractiveness. These effects can significantly impact an individual’s overall quality of life.

These deformities can be categorized as either maxillary, mandibular, or combined. One of the dentofacial malformations is hypoplasia of one-third of the face. This deformity frequently manifests a complex disorder known as dysgnathia, which necessitates a combination of orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery known as orthognathic surgery to correct. Orthognathic surgery is a surgical intervention that aims to enhance the intermaxillary connection, hence optimizing the functionality and aesthetics of the jaws.

Respondents in this study were residents of Surabaya aged 18-25 years who belonged to the Chinese and Deutro-Malay races with the criteria of two generations above also Deutro-Malay or Chinese, had Angle Class I occlusion, had no history of trauma, no history of orthognathics surgery, no history of surgery in the maxillary area, no history of orthodontic treatment, no maxillary defects and no maxillary tumors can be the subject of this study.

On photographic results printed on 20×25 cm paper, profile angle measurements were taken using facial angles formed and connected by facial anthropometric points. Facial angles that were measured included GNP, PSnLs, LillsPog, nasofacial, nasomental, mentocervical, submental-neck, and facial convexity.

Anthropometric values from the profile of the Chinese and Deutro-Malayid population in Surabaya show different results from the Caucasoid population, which is widely used as a standard guideline for facial profile angle analysis. However, the Anova multivariate test shows the absence of significant differences between each of the measured profile angle. This can be because the population of Chinese and Deutro-Malayid in Indonesia comes from the same main population, Mongoloid.

The Deutro-Malayid population is a secondary Mongoloid sub-population, while the Chinese population is a primary Mongoloid sub-population. Both populations have lived in Surabaya since two previous generations, with the same diet, culture, and environment. Both also show the same pattern of class I Angle occlusion. The significant difference is only obtained at the submental-neck angle, which can be caused by differences in fat thickness, which is much influenced by heredity.

The conclusion of this article is that there were no significant differences in profile angles between the Chinese and Deutro-Malay populations in Surabaya. Anthropometric values at the profile angles of the Chinese and Deutero-Malay populations in Surabaya can be used as a reference standard in manipulating the facial skeleton.


Indra Mulyawan1, Qonita Gurusy2, Arien Safira Damayanti2, Aloysius Donny Kuncoro Sigit1, Coen Pramono Danudiningrat1, Ganendra Anugraha1, Reza Al Fessi1.

1.Departement of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.

2. Undergraduate Student, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.

Corresponding author : Indra Mulyawan ; Departement of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dental Medicine ; Universitas Airlangga ; Jl. Mayjend. Prof. Dr. Moestopo no. 47, Surabaya 60132, Indonesia ; E-mail : indramulyawan@fkg.unair.ac.id

Detailed information from this case report can be seen in our article at: http://www.jidmr.com/journal/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/43-D23_2815_Indra_Mulyawan_Indonesia.docx.pdf

Indra Mulyawan, Qonita Gurusy, Arien Safira Damayanti, Aloysius Donny Kuncoro Sigit, Coen Pramono Danudiningrat, Ganendra Anugraha, Reza Al Fessi. Anthropometric Study for Surgical Guidance. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research. Vol. 16 No 4. 2023.