UNAIR NEWS – On July 15, 2024, Professor Dr. Sri Sumarmi of the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) was honored with an award in Family Development, Population, and Family Planning (BANGGA KENCANA) by the National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN).
Prof. Sumarmi received this accolade for her unwavering commitment and active role in the success of the Bangga Kencana program and the accelerated reduction of stunting rates. Her dedication is evident through her innovative programs that have been in operation since 2019.
“There are two key innovations, Laduni and Desa Emas, which have significantly contributed to reducing stunting rates,” Prof. Sumarmi stated.
Laduni and Desa Emas
Since their inception in 2019, the Integrated Pre-marital Services (Laduni) and Desa Emas (Golden Village) programs have yielded impressive results. Both initiatives share a mission to rapidly reduce stunting rates across various regions.
“Desa Emas service mechanism involves upstream interventions using diverse approaches and the application of various appropriate technological innovations,” explained Prof. Sumarmi.
The health services and counseling provided under the Laduni program primarily involve the intervention of multiple micronutrients supplements (MMS). “In 2024, MMS interventions became a national program for women with pregnancy in 11 priority provinces, including East Java,” she revealed.
The MMS initiative has effectively reduced the incidence of baby low birth weight (LBW), a key risk factor for stunting. Compared to iron-folic acid supplementation, MMS is more effective in lowering the risks of preterm births, small-for-gestational-age births, LBW, stillbirths, and infant mortality within the first six months of life.
“For instance, the reduction in LBW cases is 12% among non-anemic pregnant women and 19% among anemic or underweight pregnant women,” detailed Prof. Sumarmi.
Future plans and sustainability
Following the recognition of her contributions to addressing stunting in Indonesia, Prof. Sumarmi announced plans for the continuation of her innovative programs.
“There will be ongoing activities under the Desa Emas program in Bondowoso, specifically community service initiatives providing clean drinking water to a local boarding school,” said Prof. Sumarmi.
Furthermore, the implementation of micronutrients in MMS is currently being studied in 25 districts across Indonesia. She mentioned collaborations with organizations such as John Hopkins University, Vitamin Angels, Universitas Indonesia, and Universitas Hasanuddin.
UNAIR Rector, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, also expressed his admiration for Prof. Sumarmi’s remarkable achievements. He highlighted that her accomplishments underscore UNAIR’s well-deserved recognition as the world’s top university in poverty eradication, as per the THE Impact Rankings 2024.
“Congratulations to Prof. Sumarmi for her outstanding achievements. Her continuous contributions significantly enhance community development and improve the quality of life for all of us,” stated Prof. Nasih.
Author: Syifa Rahmadina
Editor: Edwin Fatahuddin Ariyadi Putra
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