Universitas Airlangga Official Website


Develop your Interest and Talents!

Universitas Airlangga has more than 60 leadership development units and student organizations. These groups are spread across different levels of organization, from that of study programs, faculties, to university. Within these groups, there are Student Activity Units (UKM).

A UKM is a forum for developing student soft skills based on their interests and talents. There are five categories of UKM in Unair, namely: UKM of the Special Category consisting of six organizations, UKM of the Art category with eight organizations, UKM of the Sports category consisting of 13 organizations, UKM of the Martial Arts category with nine organizations, and UKM of Spirituality consisting of five organizations.

1. Student Regiment

UKM of Student Regiment is a students’ unit organization to express their potentials. Students are trained to be disciplined, physically and mentally strong, to have wide knowledge, and are trained military trainings, such as military martial arts, survival skills, weapon use skills, and many more.

2. UKM of Reasoning

UKM of Reasoning is a student organization to support students’ interests and talents in scientific writing, research and journalism. The secretariat of this UKM is at room 302 3rd floor Student Center Building Campus C Universitas Airlangga or it is known as Astana Widya (AW) which means the palace of knowledge.

3. UKM of Scouting

UKM of Scouting is a students’ organization to develop students’ potentials and creativity in implementing the three pillars of Higher Education using a method known as Learning by Doing. A member of this UKM will experience stages of learning process. The challenges and responsibilities given are adjusted to their ages.


UKM of KSR-PMI is an organization coordinated by the Indonesian Red Cross Society to support students interested in Indonesian Red Cross activities. This unit develops students’ involvement in community development specifically in health-related activities such as blood donation, health check, and others.

5. UKM of Peduli NAPZA dan Penyebaran HIV/AIDS (Mapanza)

This UKM was initiated by a student of Faculty of Medicine in 1998. This UKM focuses on creating campaignis for the awareness of drugs usage and prevention in Universitas Airlangga. At this moment, the partners of this UKM have covered parties from outside UNAIR such as non-government organizations, rehabilitation parties, and many more. The main activities of this UKM is providing education to schools and communities.

6. UKM of Demography

UKM of Demography is an intra-campus organization whose focuses are to develop awareness of problems and challenges faced by the society, and to get involved in demographical-friendly developments of Indonesia.