Molluscs are a group that represents waters organism after fish groups, reaching 1,500 types of snails and 1,000 types of shellfish (Parker et al., 2013). One type of snail found in Indonesian waters is abalone (Setyono, 2004; Tubalawony et al., 2016). Abalone is a group of marine molluscs that are better known as the “seven-eyed shellfish” (Hayati et al., 2017) or “full hungry snails.” The type of abalone in nature is estimated to be more than 100 species, but only a few species have been successfully cultivated (Susanto et al., 2019).
Abalone is an important fishery commodity because of its economic value due to its beautiful shell shape and color (Uri and Al-bahrani, 1995). In addition to shells that can be used in the jewellery button industry, abalone meat also contains high enough protein. It is one of the main foods and prestige, especially among people of Chinese, Japanese, and American descent. The price of a live abalone is Rp. 150,000 per kg, while for dry abalone, the price is Rp. 350,000 – up to Rp. 500,000, – per kg.
Abalone has a high advantage and is an export commodity for Indonesia (Wiradana et al., 2019). So the enlargement of abalone has a huge role in supporting the production of abalone as an export commodity. Abalone is one of the potential fisheries resources which, if used rationally and properly, can make a large contribution to community income and encourage an increase in regional and state income (Atika and Mulyadi, 2014).
Abalone (Haliotis squamata) has an oval shell shape with a ratio between the width and length of the shell of 64.29%. Haliotis squamata has a higher percentage of meat weight (44.48%) compared to shell weight (27.33%) and other organs (gonads and digestion), around 28.20%. Various types of Haliotis squamata have a larger portion to be consumed than their total body weight (Susanto et al., 2010a).
Abalone (Haliotis squamata) cultivation has recently begun to be developed in Indonesia; although there are still many obstacles in providing seeds, its cultivation is still developing. There are two ways to produce abalone before it is harvested and reaches consumers. First (i), abalone seeds (both natural selection and spawning in seed institutions) are released or stocked in protected locations or areas for a certain period of time before being harvested and sold to consumers. Second (ii), abalone seeds are maintained and raised commercially using certain containers and techniques until they reach a size that is suitable for sale to consumers (Eny and Setyono, 2007).
Abalone enlargement activity (Haliotis squamata) is an activity to maintain the seeds that are stocked until the abalone is a suitable size for sale or consumption. Abalone (Haliotis squamata) enlargement activities can be carried out using the enlargement technique on floating net cages. Based on the description above, preliminary research was carried out on the Abalone (Haliotis squamata) enlargement technique using the floating net cage method to provide preliminary information about the development of this technique in the mariculture sector in Indonesia.
This research was conducted at the Lombok Marine Cultivation Center (BPBL), West Sekotong, Sekotong Sub-District, West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, from January to February 2016. Enlargement of abalone using the floating net cage method requires a series of optimal enlargement activities to reach the desired size. The technique of growing abalone in floating net cages includes site selection, net preparation, seed distribution, seed maintenance, growth sampling, sorting and grading and harvesting consumption size abalone. Seeds that are spread for the enlargement are healthy seeds and responsive with the size of a seed of 2-3 cm. Foods used in the enlargement of abalone (Haliotis squamata) are Gracillaria sp. by means of giving the foods in ad libitum once in a day. The parameter of water quality includes temperature around 28.7 o C, pH 7.5, the salinity of 29 ppt, and DO 4,8 mg/l. Factors influencing the growth of abalone are foods, water quality, and pests and diseases. As for the obstacles encountered in the process of abalone, enlargement is dirt and pests, and large current surge resulted in low abalone life-span.
Authors: Trisnadi W. C. Putranto, Agoes Soegianto
Journal: Ecology, Environment and Conservation 27 (2) : 2021; pp. (685-689)