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AHPC Training of Trainers emphasizes Student Life Management

Remarks by Dr. Sri Widati, Ssos, Msi in the SoBY (Sobat Happy and Healthy) 2024 Training of Trainers activity which reviews student life management (Photo: Committee Doc.)
Remarks by Dr. Sri Widati, Ssos, Msi in the SoBY (Sobat Happy and Healthy) 2024 Training of Trainers activity which reviews student life management (Photo: Committee Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – Preparing ourselves with life management knowledge is an essential capital for a college education. Therefore, Airlangga Health Promotion Center (AHPC) UNAIR held ToT (Training of Trainer) SoBY (Sobat Happy and Healthy) in lecture room 5.05 GKB MERR-C Campus UNAIR on Saturday and Sunday, 27 – 28 April 2024.

Dr. Sri Widati, Ssos Msi in her speech emphasized the importance of life management so that UNAIR students always live healthy and happy. “SoBY ToT is very important and hopefully after getting material related to life management, UNAIR students can implement a healthy and happy lifestyle,” said the head of AHPC UNAIR.

Student Affairs Representative, Pujo Sakti Nur Cahyo SHum, MHum opened the SoBY 2024 ToT event with his speech. “We are warriors. Hopefully, what you gain from this event, you can later share it with other students to be more motivated,” said Pujo.

Student Affairs Representative, Pujo Sakti Nur Cahyo SHum, MHum opened the SoBY 2024 ToT event. (Photo: Committee doc.)

This activity presented some speakers, focusing on several student life management issues. First, Prof. Ira Nurmala, SKM, MPH, PhD emphasized the importance of optimal time management according to individual capacity. “Procrastination habit is dangerous in time management. Make sure you complete tasks on time and don’t feel incapable of doing so. We all can do it,” said Prof. Ira.

The second speaker, Kurnia Dwi Artanti, Dr., MSc, continued with a presentation on money management. Kurnia said younger people need to be aware of fraudulent investment scams all over social media. “The key to good money management is to be able to distinguish between wants and needs when spending money. Make sure you can get used to setting aside money each month and saving,” Kurnia explained.

The next speaker was Listyati Setyo Palupi, SPsi, M Dev Pract. She said that managing emotions is important for mental health. Emotions are feelings that affect the body in certain situations. “Emotion regulation is important so that a person can control which emotions, how, and when to experience and express them in the right situation,” added Listyati.

Listyati said that one way to regulate emotions is to face problems head-on. “Face problems bravely and don’t let problems control us,” she said.

Author: Hana Mufidatuz Zuhrah 

Editor: Yulia Rohmawati