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Airlangga Health Promotion Center supports smoke-free zone

Head of Airlangga Health Promotion Center (AHPC) UNAIR Dr. Sri Widiati SSos MSi during the smoke-free zone in Universitas Airlangga dissemination on Thursday, June 8, 2023. (Photo: Muhammad Badrul Anwar)

UNAIR NEWS – Airlangga Health Promotion Center (AHPC) held a dissemination on the smoke-free zone (KTR) in Universitas Airlangga on Thursday, June 8, 2023. The dissemination aims to realize a smoke-free zone on the campus.

Head of Airlangga Health Promotion Center (AHPC) UNAIR Dr. Sri Widiati SSos MSi stated that the number of children and teens smokers in Indonesia has been increasing year after year. Therefore, KTR UNAIR attempts to eliminate the freedom and opportunity to smoke, especially for students.

“We don’t want our future generations to be like that. Why should they need nicotine to be happy, to be creative? Why should they need nicotine to work?” she said.

Rejecting cigarette sponsors

Research revealed that children and teens may start smoking when they attend music events sponsored by cigarette companies. During the event, the organizers will distribute free cigarettes. Hence, UNAIR rejects all forms of cigarette sponsorship in any kind of way.

“When the cigarette companies sponsor music or sports events and provide free cigarettes, considering the addictive nature of cigarettes, if it’s free today, will it still be free tomorrow? If the individual is 20 years old and will live for another 50 years, they will become a lifelong customer for the next 50 years,” Dr. Widiati said.

Rector’s decision to make UNAIR smoke-free zone

To build zero tolerance towards cigarettes on campus, UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak CA has released Regulation of the Rector of Universitas Airlangga Number 13 of 2023, which contains Guidelines for Smoke-Free Zones in the UNAIR environment.

Dr. Widiati noted several things that should be concerned. One of them is the prohibition of all cigarette-related activities in all campus areas.

“The prohibition of smoking or cigarette use, manufacturing or producing cigarette products, selling cigarette products, conducting cigarette advertisements, promoting cigarette products, organizing activities sponsored by cigarette companies, accepting assistance from the cigarette industry, and engaging in collaborations with the cigarette industry in Universitas Airlangga,” she said.

Dr. Widiati further said that if one found any smoking violators around the campus, he/she can directly reprimand them. If one is hesitant or scared, report it to the AHPC UNAIR by attaching an evidence photo.

“Please warn them. If you’re scared, just take a picture and send it to info@ahpc.unair.ac.id and we will take the matter,” she said.

Smoking cessation clinic

AHPC UNAIR also opens a smoking cessation clinic at the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) UNAIR to help smokers quit smoking.

“We also have a smoking cessation clinic. Kindly visit ahpc.unair.ac.id. Smoking can indeed be compared to drugs, which are addictive and hard to stop. While there are rehabilitation programs available for drug addiction, there is currently no specific rehabilitation program for smoking,” she added.

Author : Muhammad Badrul Anwar

Editor: Nuri Hermawan