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Anthropometric study of human ear: a baseline data for ear reconstruction

Creation of an auricular framework plays the main role on first stage of microtia reconstruction. The size of framework is determined based on the size and the contralateral healthy ear projection. However, this is difficult to apply to bilateral microtia, due to the absence of contralateral healthy ears as a reference during reconstruction. Therefore, a population based auricular framework pattern and projection are urgently needed. This study aimed at determining the mean values of normal anthropometric measurement of external ear and projection of human ear in males and females and their comparison on either sides and in either sex.

Ears increase in both length and width with increase in age, from birth to 9 years of age. The modern era of auricular reconstruction began with reintroduction of the technique of autogenous costal cartilage grafts as a method of auricular reconstruction. The cartilage graft is the ‘‘foundation’’ of an auricular construction, and as in construction of a house, it should be built and well established.

Measurements are taken from 524 subjects (96 men and 428 women) aged 17 to 35 years using a Vernier caliper. The parameters measured were total ear height, ear width, lobular height, lobular width, upper pole, middle upper pole, middle pole, lower middle pole, lower pole, each subject’s right and left ears.

Comparisons between gender were performed by independent t test and paired t test for comparison between right and the left ear. All dimensions were significantly different between male and female (P 0.05). There was no significant difference both side among groups (P 0.05). All projection dimensions were significantly different between male and female. There was no significant difference of auricular projection of right and left auricular on the male (P 0.05).

These findings suggest that the normal anthropometric study will have implication in the ear reconstruction especially on bilateral cases as a baseline for reconstruction.

Key Words: Anthropometric, ear, microtia, auricular projection, ear projection, innovation

Author: Dr. Indri Lakhsmi Putri, dr., SpBP-RE (KKF)

Detailed information from this research can be viewed from our article at:


Prasetyo, Arif Tri MD, MClinMed*; Putri, Indri Lakhsmi MD, PhD† Anthropometric Study of Human Ear, Journal of Craniofacial Surgery: October 07, 2021 – Volume – Issue –

doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000008199

DOI: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000008199