UNAIR NEWS – In an effort to introduce students to the industrial sector, Universitas Airlangga’s (UNAIR) Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship Incubation, and Alumni Affairs (DPKKA) hosted a webinar on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. The webinar, titled “Careers in Industry: Opportunities and Challenges,” was part of the Airlangga Career and Internship Club (ACIC) series.
The webinar featured PT Allnex Resins Indonesia, a subsidiary of the global company Allnex. Established in 1948, Allnex is a leading global manufacturer of resins. PT Allnex Resins Indonesia recently earned the 2023 Naker Award for Best Company, recognized for its excellence in enhancing employee competence, satisfaction, and workplace safety.
The webinar attracted more than 223 participants, including UNAIR students and the general public. Lastiko Endi Rahmantyo, S.S., M.Hum., Head of Sub-Directorate of DPKKA, explained that the webinar aimed to expand students’ understanding, particularly in recognizing the distinct challenges in the industrial world compared to academia, and in identifying the opportunities that lie within.
“Mr. Subardo, our speaker and an HR Professional at PT Allnex Resins Indonesia, will offer valuable insights into how to address these challenges and turn them into opportunities, enhancing your employability in the industrial sector,” Lastiko said in his opening remarks.
Careers in industrial sector
During the main session, Ahmad Subardo, S.H., M.Kn., shared his experience as an HR professional, which has required him to work with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Subardo emphasized that a key advantage of a career in the industrial sector is the significant potential for growth, as well as the clear career paths available across various multidisciplinary sectors.

Subardo, a graduate of UNAIR’s Faculty of Law, assured participants that working in the industrial sector is not as intimidating as many might think. He drew on his experiences working with international industrial cultures. “They (challenges in the industrial world) are inevitable, but they are not as daunting as they seem. If we maintain a positive attitude, our experiences will be positive,” Subardo said in his presentation.
Thriving in the industrial sector
Subardo also highlighted the importance of expanding one’s influence in the industrial sector to avoid being swept up in negative workplace cultures. One way to do this is by honing general soft skills, such as integrity, character, communication skills, and expertise in one’s chosen field.
Subardo emphasized that adaptability is critical in the industrial sector. “Before becoming a leader, one must first be an effective follower. From there, flexibility and adaptability are crucial,” he stated.
Developing these traits fosters reliability, which strengthens one’s character. This, in turn, enhances career advancement prospects. Subardo also explained that reliable individuals often find it easier to receive job offers, reducing the need for extensive job searches.
Author: Zahwa Sabiila Ilman Ramadhani
Editor: Yulia Rohmawati