UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has conferred honorary professorship to Prof. (HCUA) Dr. H Sunarto SH MH from the Faculty of Law (FH). The ceremony was held in Garuda Mukti Hall, 5th Floor, MERR-C Campus, on Monday, June 10, 2024.
Attending the event was UNAIR Rector, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak. He remarked that a judge bears a significant mandate and responsibility, serving not only as a mediator in legal matters but also as a steadfast enforcer of justice.
“Thus, the role of a judge is noble and deserves exceptional rewards commensurate with the responsibilities they bear,” stated Prof. Nasih.
Exemplary conduct
Prof. Nasih added that attaining the rank of professor is no easy feat. It demands exemplary conduct. Furthermore, a professor must commit to lifelong learning, regardless of age or time. Maintaining this exemplary conduct is a major challenge throughout one’s tenure.
“Prof. (HCUA) Sunarto’s 37-year journey is indeed a long one. He has made significant contributions to the field of law in Indonesia. These contributions should serve as an example for future generations,” he elaborated.
Pillars of nation
A judge, continued Prof. Nasih, is a pillar of a nation. A country can be deemed peaceful and prosperous when a judge upholds truth and justice. Judges play a strategic role in shaping the nation’s future.
“Given the strategic position of judges, the educational mechanisms that produce prospective judges must be of high quality and relevance. Moreover, the integrity of judges and educators is crucial, especially for the top law faculty in Indonesia,” he emphasized.
Prof. Nasih further stated that achieving quality education requires investment. Similarly, producing judges capable of upholding justice necessitates the best education.
“Through quality education, we will undoubtedly produce quality judges. Hence, it is hoped that graduates of FH UNAIR will always act and uphold the law with integrity,” asserted Prof. Nasih.
Author: Satrio Dwi Naryo
Editor: Yulia Rohmawati