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Costumer activation and community engagement, right steps to develop entrepreneurial business

Nina Agustriana in the discussion session. (Photo: SS Zoom)

UNAIR NEWS – For the sixth series of Student Entrepreneurship Program, Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship Incubation, and Alumni Universitas Airlangga (DPKKA UNAIR) invited Nina Agustriana, Head of Division Area Marketing of Nutrifood as a speaker. The webinar on ‘Customer Activation & Community Engagement’ was conducted online through Zoom Meeting on Saturday, May 21, 2022.

Nina explained the importance of customer activation in entrepreneurial business. Customer activation, she said quoting from Weterings, is a way to make potential customers want to move to engage with the offered products and services. The more customers are activated, the more they are bound to the business.

“Customer Journey Map is a visualization to represent the process where customers, or prospective customers, go from the flow of getting to know them until they buy them to being really happy with our products,” explained Nina about the customer activation process.

She also explained that because entrepreneurial business is an activity whose main point is to make a profit, two big things must be done, getting and increasing costumers. “We are always looking for new consumers, then activate them, don’t let them stay in one process. When they used to buy one, we should make them buy more, “said Nina.

The process of increasing customers can not be separated from a strategy called referrals. “It’s how our consumers do not only feel happy themselves, but they are so happy that they also tell their friends and become referrals to help us get new customers,” explained Nina.

Concerning consumer activation, community engagement,  which is no less crucial in the entrepreneurial business, was also discussed in the presentation. “We are aware that personal customers are not enough, we need to engage the community as well,” said Nina.

In that case, she continued, we need a customer network model, which means there is a relationship between customers that we, entrepreneurs, need to foster or develop. In its implementation, there are five steps entrepreneurs could take.

Nina ranked the five steps, access strategy, engage strategy, which aims to make the relationship between customers relevant to them so that they get a benefit, customize strategy, and connect strategy.

“That is how entrepreneurs can accommodate customers in expressing their needs in the community. Lastly, collaborate strategy is a way to make relationships between consumers last longer,” she concluded.

Author: Leivina Ariani Sugiharto Putri

Editor: Nuri Hermawan