Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Dengue fever alert and its prevention

Illustration: Dengue fever
Illustration: Dengue fever

UNAIR NEWS – The rising number of dengue fever cases has been the cause of concern among parents. Dengue fever can be dangerous if not treated promptly and properly. Dr. Dwiyanti Puspitasari, a pediatrician at Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), has explained that dengue fever is caused by a virus and is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

Dr. Dwiyanti explained, that dengue fever usually starts with a sudden spike in temperature that lasts for three to five days. On the sixth day, the patient’s body temperature drops, but they can’t be declared cured until then.

The breaking fever is a crucial phase. In this phase, the patient needs extra care, especially in severe cases of dengue fever. The patient will usually feel cold, and bleed, and if it’s fatal, it can cause death.

However, in that phase, patients with mild dengue fever will gradually improve in the next 3-7 days and enter the healing phase. “It’s important to understand these phases so we can overcome any issues that come up during dengue fever,” she said.

Dengue fever alert and its prevention 3

Dwiyanti said that the main symptom that a child has dengue fever is a high fever that does not break. She advised that if the child has a high fever and is treated with over-the-counter medicine, it should be suspected as dengue fever.

Furthermore, kids with dengue fever will go through a lot of changes. The child will usually look weaker, have less appetite, feel nauseous, have pain all over, and have a sore throat. These symptoms are serious and need to be treated right away.

“Parents should be aware that if their child has experienced these symptoms for three days in a row, they should seek medical attention. If it doesn’t get better, it’s best to see a doctor right away for further treatment,” she said.

Dr. Dwiyanti also shared some helpful tips for preventing dengue fever. One key step is to implement the 3M approach (drain, bury, and cover). It can help reduce the number of mosquito larvae and their breeding grounds.

“Many people overlook puddles around their homes, such as water in used beverage bottles, puddles under dispensers, and lots of hanging clothes. These often go unnoticed,” she continued.

Dr. Dwiyanti believes that fogging is actually less effective because fogging only kills adult mosquitoes, not larvae. She also shared research on the Wolbachia mosquito, which is considered effective in reducing dengue fever cases in Yogyakarta.

“Wolbachia mosquitoes are mosquitoes that have been infected with Wolbachia bacteria. The bacteria are passed on to the offspring of other mosquitoes. It is believed to inhibit the spread of the virus. This is the case in Yogyakarta, where the Wolbachia program has reduced dengue cases,” she said.

For the record, the information was conveyed during the Dokter Unair TV program titled “Beware of Dengue Fever in Children, Prevent Complications Before It’s Too Late” on Friday, April 26, 2024.

Author: Satrio Dwi Naryo

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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